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  1. Oh OK that makes since. I didn't play epic and I'm just getting into AT. Waiting for delivery on the boxset.
  2. I'm really into the idea. I'm glad they are bringing it back. IRC, originally the first edition was horus heresy as well. The idea was pragmatic, one set of models that were doubled was cost saving. For a niche game, expanding on AT, staying within the Horus Hersey is fine. The problem I see is the axing a good portion of the AI range. From my understanding the game wasn't and isn't very popular. So GW may have tried a way to keep it alive as opposed to axe it altogether.
  3. This makes me wonder if Death Guard terminators will be T6, and if Thousand Sons terminators will be 3++. Both of those options are rather nice.
  4. Where does it say the Imperium has a 7-day week? Maybe the Imperhas an 8 or 10-day week. I mean it's possible.
  5. My thought is this article opens it up to allow WE all vehicles, Havocs, and probably even obliterator. However, it seems GW has already pigeon holed them close combat only.
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/sistersofbattle/comments/me1098/palatine_rules_no_points_or_power_level_included/
  7. Well it wouldn't be the first time GW did this with SoB. You couldn't even field the first Cannoness when it came out.
  8. The idea is nice but I think it's too many spells, plus you can always be failed or denied. I would add some sort of "Arcane Abilities." Something similar to an Apothecary or Chaplain. Not their rules exactly but abilities to buff, improve or what have you that are innate abilities as opposed to just spells on spells on spells.
  9. You are right why even have a separate codex. Its what 4 HQs, 2 elites, 3 troops, 2 FA, 4 HS, 1 flyer and Magnus. It should be a CSM supplement in all honesty. What does it matter if choices aren't the XV legion. It's been 10k years mostly in the warp for the army in the fluff. The XV legion doesn't exist. It's a meaningless constraint. The helbrutes are technically XV legion since they are other beings seeking power from the warp, so why not add in other units following the same theme of enslaved seekers of warp power.
  10. I dont think it works lore-wise, given that everyone is either a sorcerer or rubric. Maybe some sort of Rubric raptors?I dont see why not, if Helbrutes are just sacks of meat that were blinded by the promises of power and sorcery then why not bind a few demons to the same wretches and make possessed too. Honestly, I think the sky is the limit if a writer/developer got creative. I don't see why there are many if any restrictions considering in the codex "vassal" warbands are part of the official army structure. Aside from psychic dreadnoughts and other Fw goodies, I would to see Exalted Sorcerers developed better, an amazing kit, not a bad darasheet just completely overshadowed by Demon Princes, Ahriman and Magnus...and honestly a sorcerer in terminator armor. More options to them and varied special rules and specializations. An elite unit like sorcerer cabal, made of aspiring sorcerers or something but have different weapon options. A heavy support unit of Rubrics on discs of tzeentch. A powered armor unit that is brought back from the Rubric but still loyal to the TS. Idk a book with more than a handful of half baked datasheets.
  11. That's a good question and the best answer is also probably the worst answer. It depends. It could be like Starship Troopers (movie) wherein you must be a citizen in order to have a child. However given the need for bodies in the guard, pdf, workshops etc etc. I would imagine its more of duty to have children and an expectation. Two things here come to mind early American which was mostly agrarian most families had a lot of children because the extra help was needed on the farm and the higher mortality rates meant fewer children made it to adulthood. The other would be the Heroic Mother award from communist Albania. Women who had 10 more children were literally considered heroes of the revolution. I can see it being that way as well. Children are needed because adults are needed and so women having children is a duty, an honor, worthy of respect and recognition by the local government. So like a hive world which is overcrowded and full of slums, maybe pregnancy is discouraged or high regulated and unauthorized pregnancy punished. An agri-world or a military world like Cadia. The more hands the better and pregnancy is encouraged, honored, and recognized.
  12. I just got an e-mail today saying it was shipped, and FedEx says it will deliver by 08/13.
  13. Army rules for for factions I don't own is a big draw for me. I have met enough "honest" players in pick up games who either literally don't know their own rules or trust me it's in the codex/white dwarf/supplement/ and I learn after the fact they were wrong (somehow always to their benefit) or lying that I have completely lost trust others unless I know them really well. Now I can look it up myself real quick no problem...well sorta becuase ar some point I have to start buying codexes.
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