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Warhead01 last won the day on December 11 2020

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About Warhead01

  • Birthday 05/08/1978

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  • Location
    Crescent City Fl.
  • Interests
    Painting & Orks.
  • Faction
    The Deleted.

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  • Armies played
    Orkz, Darkangels, Space wolves, Imperial Guard, Necrons.

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  1. The FLGS I would frequent a few times a year never had any models I was looking for. Best I could do was buy snacks, paint and brushes if I could find them.
  2. If I were playing 40K now I would not have any issues with non wysiwyg armies as long as it could be made clear as to which models had what or were what inside of units and all that. 40K as far as models is now imop extremely low effort. If you could manage* your non wysiwyg army reasonably well and no cheat then cool. What ever. My armies are all painted and wysiwyg. My expectations of ever new person I might meet any play against are incredibly low. GW's more or less killed the hobbyist and creativity side of the hobby. As a player now your high bar is simply assembling models and putting a coat or two of paint on them. *By managing I mean things like this one heavy bolter over here in this squad is really X, I needed an extra model. when I take a casualty I'll pick that model up first. For example. It could be something else. The more convoluted a persons list the more difficult that would be to manage.
  3. Depending on what kind of surface you like to roll on, MDF sheets aren't bad, Maybe some kind of foam matting I believe I have seen these as small as 10 inch squares on amazon. they are multi colored so you might paint them or put a mat over the top. Foam sheeting for insolation comes as thin as 1/4" as well, you might be able to use that under a mat. Not really sure what else to recommend. The only other thing that comes to mind would be a, I think it's called, a motorcycle mat or something like that. I know those come in a wide selection of sized and thickness.
  4. Game, set and match. GW really should have been more honest on the other box instead of that wishy washy mealy-mouthed " we really meant 28" nonsense.
  5. I prefer playing with and against painted armies. I'll take the points. There's always a hand full of people who will say they don't like painted models or some reason they can't or other people shouldn't have to paint their models. This is a given, it will happen in any conversation about this topic online. To which I would say, find don't paint your stuff. you do you. But if it's a rule in the game, the 10 points thing, don't cry if the other player wants that 10 points. What's silly about it is having to monetize painting with 10 points. it's very very sad when people can't be bothered for any reason to paint their armies. and I get it, I have a friend who is color blind. He would just buy painted units from Ebay. There's a whole can of worms around that as far as how the army wouldn't look quite right. But are the models painted or not. I don't even think he plays any more and it wasn't a rule when he was playing. and back in the day, when he was playing, our house rule at that shop was a painted army got one dice reroll per game at tournaments, or one per turn, if the army was fully painted. Which was just a 3 color minimum as was the style at the time. Also, I don't get mad about another player who is slowly painting their models. It's going to be obvious if you keep playing with them as you will see unit after unit come to completion and there's no shame in that. it's about the effort put in. And to complete this tangent, this is one reason I would be for pre painted kits. Just so people would have painted armies even if they didn't want to paint them. I'd still paint my own but I'd be looking at a lot less grey plastic across the table.
  6. I can't say for sure at this point my first army was Dark Angels back in 2nd. I started with Space Marines given to me from a starter box and had nearly no concept of how to grow that army for over a year, or who knows how long. I recall adding 5 Terminators a few characters a Leman Russ Demolisher some plastic scouts and an assault squad and maybe a land speeder at some point. My collection sucked. My next army came together faster Chaos Space Marines dropped and I got one of each kit fairly quickly. I have no idea how I afforded all of that. I'd move on the imperial Guard after that and that was easier, again I have no idea how I rounded up those models. Each of my armies would hit 1500 points over 2 to three years total. After that I was employed and would bring in 18 armies in 3 years, between what I would buy and trade for. I didn't maintain that many armies I think I had two or three and these would be in the 2K to 2.5K range. Later I was trading and selling armies hand over fist at a game store and reaching a 2K army size was dead easy. My Orks would grow to over 21K over about 15 years. My Space Marines would be traded off every now and then but I would reach a company level size for a few years. Most of my friends were collecting like mad as well back then. My imperial Guard was an off again on again idea I did have 300 Cadians in the boxes at one point but parted with all of that. The next two IG armies were just brought in as collections I wanted to repaint but I only traded models and painting services for those. Trade and painting was a solid way to bring in new armies for several years. In the game shop I was a regular at I would trade and sell armies but I usually took some cash and kits off the shelf as well. this just kept things going and no one was upset about it, the owners were not mad at all. Now days I can put together a 2000 point army in 4 to 6 moths and have it all painted in about that much time with no trouble and under the newer points systems it looks even easier. I regret having bought more than two armies. I should have stopped at two.
  7. I don't think I agree. You have no way to measure that in a meaningful way. For example you are not accounting for any person who buys or prints who also does no frequent an local game store, just plays at home. That particular person isn't hurting any game shop. I mean what's hurting them more, 3d printing or not having inventory and telling a would be patron that the shop can order the product. It's the future now the would be patron can just order what ever they want from who ever has it at the best price online. I think most shops have bigger problems for their bottom line than 3d printed models. I'd say shops should step up their game. Better terrain on their tables to bring people in, charge to use the tables*, stock their shelves or get 3d printers in house. * I would pay, especially if it meant not having a herd of gamers who were not invited standing around the table.
  8. I did start to read up on buying and running a 3d printer but decided against it. I realized I just had no interest in learning the software needed. It's just easier to get on the google and do image searches until I find what I want and who is selling prints. I own a handful of 3d prints, weapons and bits mostly. I have a few friends who were talking about getting printers themselves but I have no idea if they ever did. I had imagined most people knew 3d printing was a thing and were more familiar with it than I am. So the idea that it's not common place would surprise me. The club had several people with printers, which would make me think that where ever you find a pool pf players at least one or two of them might have a printer or know someone who runs prints. It feels like a natural progression to the hobby experience at this point.
  9. If there was a mechanic where it took at least one turn to recharge or was a once per game thing I might agree. I'm not sure that it fits with this edition, feels like something that would have worked as a mechanic during 2nd. Granted not very well because Armour penetration for some weapons , like the lasgun would have been ST + D6 at best so they wouldn't have pipped it up all that much, maybe 2D6 or a D8 best case would have been STx2 +2D6 and that could go after a Rhino but not a lot more. In 10th I'd see maybe a once per game strat at most but not expect it.
  10. I have just a few thoughts on the new points we were given. First I kinda like it. Second I've only started to skim the documents but it reminds me of 2nd edition where things were very inflexible. But we'll see my opinion may change. It was never going to be perfect or even liked by everyone. I'm again reminded that it's not my game it's GW's game. I don't think that old points will return any time soon as I expect this to follow the trajectory of AoS. I think we all do. On Fan made points for tournaments, why stop there. I'm not a fan of itc anything but I have to laugh about it still being called a major tournament. I mean at what point will it just be a given that that's not even 40K anymore. Where's the line. But by all means they should make their own points system and terrain rules and mission and why stop there. I just want an admission they are not playing 40K. Don't get me wrong I am all for house rules but I also don't expect randos in a shop to agree to house rules concocted on the internet or where ever, played by who ever. I'm hugely thankful to see the rules and index lists and points before spending any money and so far that's the best part of 10th edition for me. Or, I love these new points ! They were free !
  11. Very much agree. The edition I want to play doesn't seem to exist at this point. I'd be happy to play other editions but that's not likely to happen. The only reason I see to play a new edition is to play with a new pool of players. If that's even a good reason to move on to any new edition. Better rules? Not really just more people, maybe. Blaaaaa.
  12. I dropped out near the end of 5th and only came bac near the end of 6th. Work and stuff and not enjoying the competitive players playing in the area I was living in. There were lots of tournaments which was nice but the players and more so the lists were a total buzz kill. I got back in ,as I say, near the end of 6th played maybe 5 or 6 games and then 7th kicked off. I would later be ready to completely quit the hobby again near the end of 7th. Orks were my favorite army and we got massively dumped on with a bad codex and supplement which would go on to be reprinted and be even less good than what it was suppose to replace. For the record I detested the 4th edition Ork codex as well, which was all we had until 7th. People will say it was a good coxed because reasons and list maybe 2 or 3 builds total that were winning or super good but I did not like those and don't consider 2 or 3 solid builds in one book to make the book good. it's not good it's bad very very bad. So being ready to drop out again and this time forever 8th came about and I got excited. I really enjoyed the Index books. Best time in 40K in what seemed like forever for me. Then the codex would drop and Orks not longer seemed right and it spiraled down from there. 9th was no fun at all for me I enjoyed maybe 2 or 3 games I played in total for that edition. I have low expectations for 10th but will give it a try. If I hate it I am done. I want Orks to be fun again and an index might do that but if the game is over all more playable and more fun Then I'll give it a few more games. But I plan to part with every army I have that isn't fun to play in 10th if that's what it takes to keep me having a good time unless a better option presents itself. If the codex drops and kills my fun again I will be done for good. So if I am not having a good time I basicity see myself out. My over all love of the hobby is the only reason I still participate on forums. I find I do less and less of that every year.
  13. Rules but no Index full of data sheets? Wonder when those will be posted.
  14. Not to mention the VDR rules available at that time. You could make some truly Orky and killy vehicles back then. My buddy made a vehicle with close combat weapons that had a transport capacity and could tunnel (deep strike) to the table.
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