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rednekkboss last won the day on June 5 2019

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About rednekkboss

  • Birthday 10/30/1968

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  • Interests
    Model building,cartooning,painting,converting,sculpting
  • Faction
    Templars of DOOooom!

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  • Armies played
    Chaos,Space Marines,Orks,Imperial Guard

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  1. Definitely a powerfist at least until I could have a chainfist on a normal marine. He's ripping open tanks with that one.
  2. OK.... so here's the finished Murder Hornet Sergent. Lots more updates to come. I've been good with Instagram , but rubbish everywhere else. The Sergent.... A little all around...... Might do a squad, not sure. I have an idea for a force of odd squads and left overs on Crusade with an Inquisitor. Since I'm not playing much, it'll be more of a modelling/ hobby project, but I have a few things to get out of the way first. Thanks to Covid and house repairs, we put off moving until next spring, so the hobbying can continue until March or so. ;)
  3. Actually I'm doing Old marine "Murder Hornets", the primaris guy was just on the coloring sheet. I'm renaming an old chapter (whose name I will not speak here ) I had from when I first started 40k and going from there. Primaris for me will be Mortifactors.
  4. OK, lads and lasses.... remember those cheeky Meng Tiger 1 kitbashes I made a while back? Quick.... go look if you don't. Well, I decided to not go with the original "field applied overspray camoflage" and go with more of a "hey Bob, look what we salvaged from the scrap yard!" look. It'll go much better with the other cult vehicles I'm planning and have in various stages of disrepair. Plus, most of the gene-lads have to scavenge. Its not like they could say "Oi! Can we have a couple tank platoons up her in the mine... ya know to , er, uh.... haul stuff with?" So here are a couple work in progress progression shots of one of the turrets. And the commander is almost done too Now that I've set the tone. I can build some of my other cult vehicles in a more slap together/scavenged fashion. As for the Cult itself. Well, I'm moving towards a merging of my chaos traitor guard and my (possibly chaos) genestealer cult. I've got a bunch of cultists in the the paint stripper and plan on doing some converting on a larger scale. Good (and gribbly) things to come, there. AND.... because I don't have enough irons in the fire, I came up with this mess a couple days ago. Proof of concept model (not Primaris) already being built.
  5. Thanks, y'all!! Glad you like them! As for the Burna Bomber, it has a stable mate that is on the short list for painting, right after I finish up the two tiger tanks.
  6. Harag Vegzet, Lord of Bones. 3rd and 4th Company(reinforced), Strike Group Kisertet, Mortifactors Chapter
  7. I've started a small loyalist marine force, since I have a ton of "midget marines" in various states of existance and few Primaris guys too. But, of course, I couldn't go all royal loyal... even though I had several ideas for homebrew chapters, I've decided to give the Mortifactors chapter a shot for a small force. Look them up, they are pretty twisted and borderline. This chapter has taken a beating. Their homeworld has been ravaged by Tyranids (yet their orbital base still exists, many online think it was a fluff messed up on the part of GW ), they committed the whole chapter to Armageddon, then they somehow were able to commit half the chapter to help defend Ultramar vs Nurgle. Which leaves many questions to me, like.... is Posul, their homeworld lifeless, or just tore up? If it is lifeless (or close to it)...they need to recruit from elsewhere. Obviously, the chapter has taken a beating. So, I'm thinking they might have a strike force available to put a hurting on someone, but otherwise it seems they'd be looking for new worlds to recruit from and rebuilding their strength. Enter.... the strike force commander, who gets the honorary title for a vengeance force of reinforced company strength, the Lord of Bones (yes, I ripped it off from Game of Thrones.... but it fits.) Some of the in-progress shots..... Aaaaand the finished product..... Ive also finished up my Biophagus during the shutdown My take on Typhus is up next, so check back! Cheers y'all!
  8. Right!! So, I had/have 2 threads.... I'm now going to one. I'm not going to repost a bunch of stuff, so the link is still in my signature if you want to see the backlog and older stuff until the post faaaaaaaades awaaaaaaay. However, I'm making one exception... because I don't think to many people caught this one. My Burna Bomba. Coming REAL soon.... the beginnings of my "loyalist" force from the Mortifactors Chapter and my finished Biophagus. Just got to move some files around. Typhus and demon stuff in also in the works, more on that later. ;) Glad to be back!! Hope everyone and family got through the covid thing OK so far.
  9. Thanks, mate! They are one of my favorite models in the range. I'm toying with the idea of doing a couple conversions with them down the road. Be fun to use as the basis for a Hellbrute. We're moving house this year, so we'll see how that plays out.
  10. The lads are Done!! Hope everyone is healthy, doing well and getting in some hobbytime!
  11. Been trying to get my Blight haulers finished. Here they are with most of the base coats done and the first bit of weathering and detailing has begun... And then we have the first member of the Genestealer Cult...an , as yet, unnamed Biophagus. He'll be pretty important since I'm planning many abominations in my army. More on that backstory later .... unless you have been following me on Instagram, then you already have some ideas.
  12. Like Augs said, this dude is serious!!! And who doesn't love the idea of crushing skulls with a big metal spikey ball on a chain?
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