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About vahouth

  • Birthday 12/03/1978

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  • Location
    Baal Secundus
  • Faction
    Blood Angels

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  • Armies played
    Blood Angels, Vampire Counts

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  1. Also being that old is explicitly mentioned as a "side effect" of the flaw.
  2. Does it say how many Primaris are in each Company? I'm almost 70% of building mine and I would like to know how many primaris there are in which squads.
  3. P:1 W:1 D:0 L:0 Only one small game against Orks. I tabled him on turn 3. To be honest though, that was his fault because he kept using the weirdboy's teleport ability to come closer to me. Every time, I ended up losing 4-5 models while he was losing 20+, because after the charge they were left out in the open.
  4. If He's indeed coming back, he would be a fabulously naked angel with his burial shroud wrapped around his waist. Just like this chap from the BRB...
  5. All I know is that I won't ever try to convert a model. Why bother? I'll only ever build models as they are in their box. BTW, can you confirm JamesI if our assault marines still have access to meltaguns and flamers? Or is it only an Index option as well?
  6. Aww man, not again! That's the second time GW invalidates one of my Sanguinary Priests! First was the TDA and now this! GW If it was legal in the index it's still legal now, though I'd advise against building anything not codex legal as I don't have faith that'll last long term. Both TDA priest and power sword priest were codex legal before. This is a disgrace. I hate it when my work gets invalidated and all my efforts go to waste. How hard is it GW? DON'T REMOVE WARGEAR OPTIONS FROM ONE CODEX TO THE NEXT!
  7. Aww man, not again! That's the second time GW invalidates one of my Sanguinary Priests! First was the TDA and now this! GW
  8. I have still one Termi Sangpriest back from the old days waiting for his resurrection but i guess we wont get one because there is no model released or announced yet. Me too I feel like crying for the fate of my TDA Priest as well. So much time and effort wasted...
  9. I'm pretty stoked with the news so far. All I want now is for Mephiston to be the single most of feared unit our opponents see on the table. As it should be considering his backround.
  10. My guess is infantry, bikes and Dreadnoughts.
  11. It will depend on whether or not they have something to help them get into charge. if you pay 2 CP's, and still have to make a 9" charge, then I think it's schlock. Granted, yes it helps them with shooting...but...we have Captains for that...but also, there's only one weapon this really affects and that's the Assault Cannon. Heavy flamer auto hits, and stormbolters...I mean...who plops down storm bolters with termies with the intent of really hoping for high damage output? The article says that this stratagem is good for gunning down squads of massed infantry and I recon that even the lowly storm bolter with 4 shots under 12" could pull that off. But is that enough reason to spend 2 CP?
  12. Strike of the Archangels at 2CP Worth it? Yeah or Nay EDIT: No one will be able to escape Mephiston now. Move 6", cast wings +12" and charge with a reroll! Oh my...
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