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Chaplain Gunzhard

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About Chaplain Gunzhard

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  • Location
    Boston, MA
  • Faction
    Blood Angels

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  • Armies played
    Blood Angels, Death Korps of Krieg, Tyranids

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  1. Haha ...I've switched to Bourbon, it gives the perfect buzz for painting, and also playing. There's always a point of diminishing returns but hey at that point who cares.
  2. I'm guessing enthusiasm for BA is down post the FAQ? ...I'm customizing a Sanguinius (counts as Sanguinor for points) that I plan to enter still.
  3. Eh, we have the only choppy chapter tactic, all of our characters are choppy, most of our unique units are choppy and even the Baal predator is an up close and personal tank. I'd say we're quite a bit choppier than any codex SM chapter. Wolves do also have a lot of choppy though too.
  4. Oh I agree mostly. Game 3 I didn't even use deep strike because it was the Relic and they had only slow infantry... grab that sucker and run! Game 2 it did make a big difference though, and 2v2 is certainly not balanced but in this case worked in my favor having a resilient (primaris) dedicated shooting army backing me up. That said, I would agree it wasn't the perfect "playtest" at all, but it at least confirmed what many of us already knew... waiting an extra turn means eating so much shooting to the point of being incapable of carrying out the rest of the game (against certain opponents that is!).
  5. Played in a 3 game doubles tournament yesterday using the new FAQ. Still not a fan lol... my teammate was very shooty Ultramarines primaris. Game 1 we won by fluke. Salamanders and IG were beating the pants off my partner turn 1. The IG player was new and forgot to shoot his tanks twice, but the Ultras primaris were almost vaporized turn 1. Being new, the IG player's slow play cost them the game though. Because when my guys came down on objectives on turn 2, the time was over so we won by default. Game 2 was against Dark Eldar and Orks. I had less in reserve this time (only SG, ancient and SP)... the orks swept my scout "screen" and then ate into the Intercessors but the Dark Eldar just annihilated everything else. They move so darn fast that everything I started on the table was easy meat and I would've never been able to out-position them for an assault; and when my hammer unit finally came down they had 2000 points worth of enemy focused entirely on them... didn't last long. Game 3 was against a similar Ultras Primaris teamed with Nidzilla... these guys were cool and it was a chill game. The mission (The Relic) strongly favored us though, as we had the only infantry with jump packs and the Nidzilla had no shooting, also their primaris couldn't just sit and shoot they'd need to try and move towards the relic. I deployed everything on the table and just ran for the objective... one of my characters was able to break off with it while the SG stayed back to tie up units... the SG got shot to pieces fast and the Nidzilla moved to intercept my guy with the Relic... at that point my partner turned everything on the Nids and when the game was called I still had the Relic. Had it gone longer it's tough to say what would've happened. Tau and Eldar won the event of course... Dark Eldar and Death Guard, and then Dark Eldar with Orcs (that we played) tied for second. General impressions though... Eldar still too strong, unhurt by FAQ. Tau strong but seemed to benefit too much from new Command Points (they were next to us twice). The Deep Strike beta rule hurts, shooting is so deadly now, especially with modifiers and no intervening terrain. It felt like we were always on our back foot. Nobody used the new 2nd level "wobbly model" change because most agreed it seemed unfair and unfun, so I can't speak to that one yet. Command Points seemed to lose meaning... when there are that many it's just like free consistent rules for some armies. Anyway I still had fun, mostly cuz many of my friends were in the event too.
  6. Even though it was a loss that game sounds amazing. Sometimes the dice just have a will to make insane or hilarious things happen and it sounds like that's what happened there to a tee. Yeah exactly that... my entire army was killed in one stroke more or less, but it was fun and epic and extremely cinematic! Best combo of the weekend for me though... JP Librarian with Quickening (rolled 3) and Red Rampage (rolled 3) strat fighting a Daemon Prince of Nurgle, then getting all of those attacks again with Honour of the Chapter strat, then one more time with Only in Death Does Duty End strat finally killing the DP. However, just now as I looked at the codex for the proper names of the strats, I realize that I totally cheated OOPS!!... because Honour of the Chapter strat happens at the end of the Fight Phase, at which point my Librarian was already dead. Oh well.
  7. Just back from our Geek-End 2018... played about half a dozen games and the Imperial side is in the lead for the first time. It was mostly Ultras, Imperial Soup, IG, and Blood Angels, versus lots of Death Guard, EC and Thousand Sons. I got my teeth kicked in against a hard DG list where I couldn't kill anything. This guy was rolling 5+ like I should roll 2+... The most epic game though, also a loss, was against another DG list at 2500 points with an Imperial Knight. My Knight failed a 6" charge into Mortarian, and failed again with the reroll. But I had moved up Captain Smashypants and a SP to Heroically Intervene should he assault me... Mortarian assaulted the Knight.. it Titanically Exploded, 11" radius... killing Captain Smashypants and the Priest, scouts, a tactical squad, a Vindicator, then my Librarian Dreadnought - who ALSO exploded! ...killing a Land Speeder and another tactical squad. This is the only picture from the battle and it's before I moved up the Captain etc... but you can see things starting to develop: https://www.instagram.com/p/BguWCKtFcte/?taken-by=lazaruseffect40k Anyway fun weekend and aside from those 2 loses I did well.
  8. I always love when you do your Apoc threads. ...you guys seem to organize it all pretty much just like we do. ALL of this looks awesome!
  9. Had a very similar experience with my Libby dread against Eldar, he failed Wings so he couldn't charge this flyer, then perils, then also exploded putting a wound on Captain smash and killing a bunch of my infantry. Usually he's decent though haha.
  10. I always write my recipes down. Gold is easy enough to match but red is another story... it's why I still use a convoluted, painful method for painting a mediocre red that I'm not crazy about but it's too late to change.
  11. Mine [House Hawkshroud] is definitely pledged to BA: http://atticwars40k.blogspot.it/2016/05/imperial-knight-house-hawkshroud.html
  12. I guess I just don't understand what's unclear Wings of Sanguinius doesn't state anything about being allowed to charge after falling back. It also doesn't override any standard Movement phase rules (other than giving you a second one in the Psychic phase of course!) so I don't see why you would be allowed to charge after using it. Again, if you're within 1" of an enemy model in the Movement phase, you can't move, unless you fall back: Wings is a move that follows the rules of the Movement phase (as it is specifically called out), so you'd have to declare a fall back. I just don't see it. "if you're within 1" of an enemy model in the Movement phase, you can't move, unless you fall back" - just saying, this isn't a constant truth as already addressed by the teleportation FAQ; there are ways to get leave an enemy unit within 1" without it automatically being a fall back move. Wings does happen in the psychic phase - it's not as clear as you think. "Wings doesn't override any standard movement phases rules"... well maybe? - but it also doesn't happen in the movement phase, you are drawing assumptions and conclusions that are not specifically stated. Personally I believe your interpretation to be correct - I just think there is room for alternative interpretation here and if I know anything about the 40k community it will be questioned. EDIT: Further - if you look at the rules for Falling Back, it is something you Choose to do, in the movement phase... so the phase is important. Granted Wings says "as if it were"... not, 100%, clear. What I keep thinking about - is for consolidation moves or pile moves - you CAN move to within 1" of an enemy unit, essentially overriding the movement phase rules - because those moves do not happen in the movement phase. Anyway, sorry to be contradictory dude, in the end I'd definitely go with what you're saying.
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