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Grand Master Tyrak

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About Grand Master Tyrak

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    Codex Daemonhunters

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  1. You know you're all Black Templars when you've managed to maintain a steady supply of new recruits and keep this thread going for over four years! When I was last here, there was a whole spate of these threads across the various sub-forums, and yours is the only one that's still going. Even the Space Wolves haven't kept theirs going, and the Ultramarines sub-forum seems have had time to start another one and have that die too. It seems that zeal and ingenuity really are boundless.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly. The Bolter and Chainsword was the first online community that I joined and it remains the nicest and most welcoming community I've ever experienced on the internet. Communities like that don't just form on their own, nor do they stay that way without constant attention, leadership and investment. I never saw Brother Argos post very often, but whenever he did he always made a good impression. It's been nearly four years since I last visited the forums, but I still have fond memories of these forums even if outside events have interfered with my involvement with the hobby. So thank you, Brother Argos, and I wish you all the best. You deserve more credit than you get and I've yet to find a place quite like what you built here. Oh, and thank you to the Administratum team for not deactivating my account! I wouldn't have got my chance to say thank you if you had.
  3. Grand Master Tyrak

    Lords of Nimea

    Pictures for the IT article.
  4. It would be very tricky to do that. The forces of Chaos need hide-outs for a reason - the original Legion fleets may be able to go toe-to-toe with the Imperial Navy, but the IN has the weight of numbers. You have to deal with that (since you're waltzing through Imperial territory), but you're presumably going to be equipped with a standard Astartes fleet plus whatever else you've scavenged. I can't think of any plausible ways to do that myself, but just to keep it in play that's what the reason will have to explain. If you change to pure Tzeentchian the former would be very plausible, and even if you stayed Undivided it would still be easier than the latter option. You don't have to deal with Inquisitorial counter-espionage for a start, at the expense of risking the foresight being incorrect.
  5. Sources? All I've read has been the opposite - the Administratum files anything and everything and never throws anything away. Planetary archives taking on a literal meaning and all that. Unless you can pin down a specific instance where the records were attacked and/or damaged (Horus Heresy being the classic example), there will be a record. Plus, if the gene-seed records are spotty then what is the point of gene-seed tithes? They wouldn't work.
  6. Armed natives? A fully-functional PDF is one thing, but what are effectively loyalist versions of Chaos Cultists? I don't think that would raise too many eyebrows. I would think that some degree of physical violence is expected on Astartes homeworlds - how else would the recruits be tough enough? Inquisition would step in if they saw anything that is particularly heinous and chaos deviating. There is no Inquisition. However, there are Inquisitors. Each of them will no doubt make his own mind up, just as they were intended to do.
  7. If you want this in the Librarium you'd be better off using a real dictionary. ;) Also, "lawful"? A section on what constitutes lawfulness in the Great Crusade would be very useful here. Personally I think a lot hinged on that - in an empire that is seemingly run on the rule of might makes right, that creates all kinds of ideological problems should the leader change the definition of what is right. Perhaps you could tie that in to the introduction of the administrators to the Great Crusade and the replacement of the War Council with the Council of Terra.
  8. Because often people don't treat it as a grey area. They crystallise it into a definite one or the other, something I've tried to cover in my Inquisition article for the DIY guide. Play with grey areas if you want, but keep them grey areas so that other people can use them. The Nephilim didn't originally have that, it has now been changed into a more grey format, and as a result I've not felt the need to comment on it - he's now playing exclusively with his own fluff and not treading on anyone else's toes. Job done, problem avoided, just like Ace said. :)
  9. If the majority of your Chapter's character is drawn from the homeworld, then the Homeworld section should be straight after Origins as it is the most important. Note also that you can draw on the homeworld outside of the Homeworld section, which is what I did with my Blades of Duty. Although the Homeworld section itself is only about 25% of the article, about 70% of the article is drawn from the homeworld, even if the information is found in other sections like Gene-seed, Combat Doctrine or even their major battle. If the common thread that holds the IA together and defines the Chapter is the homeworld culture, then that should be focussed on in the IA.
  10. Then you need to explicitly say so. It's no more than your duty though. It might be enough to convince the AdMech to make an investment of goodwill in your Chapter (because you could have refused, even though that would have had bad consequences), but they don't directly owe you anything. Spelling and grammar is best checked when the content is complete, that way it only has to be checked once. I'll give people a couple more days to reply before posting on spelling and grammar.
  11. The big question - why? What have you done to deserve such a monumental favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus? Why are you given such a warship that is over and above the Codex restrictions but is not bound by slow speed (unlike the Ramilies)? Why should the Mechanicus not keep it for themselves?
  12. Who says the Chaos Gods have to recognise that they're inadvertently serving the Emperor before it comes true? Nothing, but if we start entertaining theories like that we come to only three possible solutions: 1) Selective reading of fluff - keep the bits you want and edit out the bits you don't want, allowing the 40k universe to become coherent. 2) The entirety of the 40k universe is set in the warp, which means it can be inherently contradictory and entirely coherent at the same time. 3) Tzeentch is the only one who can unravel the 40k universe. Speculation is still speculation, even if you spell it as 'fact'. Perhaps it's best to take RAW as far as possible before switching to RAI possibilities. ;) Quite a few fell to Slaanesh, IIRC. Then again, Ephrael Stern wouldn't have been a very good main character if all the Sisters were resisting Chaos, now would she? :)
  13. A very small point here, but IMO it's best if if you write it out in full as "Imperial Guard" the first time you use it. Basically it's the same deal as with using the "Navy" shorthand, it's just about clarifying who you're referring to.
  14. Marvelously is misspelled. Actually, he's just spelt it the English (UK) way. It's not a misspelling. :P
  15. MISS (Me, I'm So Super!). Like it or not, you're not one of the Chapters of Legend. If your Chapter has this much, why haven't GW ever mentioned them? Way to much awesomeness here (plus a bit of Deus ex Mechanicus). On the forge-world point, you just don't need it. The AdMech to door-to-door delivery anyway, and it's got a Titan Legion. There are much better places to pick as your homeworld, places that don't have these kind of defences. How would it have worked if the original creation of the Astartes Chapters went something like this: "Then Roboute Guilliman decreed that the Astartes would be split into a thousand Chapters of a thousand Marines each, to better protect the widely spread Imperium. And lo, the Chapters decided that the Imperium would be best protected by parking every last Marine on the great fortress that was Terra. And the citizens of the Imperium praised them with great cries of "<deleted by the Inquisition>?!?"." It just doesn't make sense. That and the whole "nearby forgeworld" (Deus ex Mechanicus) thing is rather overdone. At first glance it seems MISS, but on it's own I think it works. That should be "Marine squads". The forces of the Ecclesiarchy were lost in the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath ;) . Is this before or after the emergence of Sebastian Thor? Wary? They should be too - the Ecclesiarchy agreed not to in the case of all Chapter homeworlds.
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