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The Nephilim

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About The Nephilim

  • Birthday 12/14/1983

Profile Information

  • Location
    Kansas City, MO
  • Faction
    The Nephilim

Previous Fields

  • Armies played
    Chaos Marines, Chaos Daemons, Dark Eldar

The Nephilim's Achievements

  1. Now that's what I'd call a daemon prince! Nicely done, Syn!
  2. Amazing as always. Your conversions almost makes me wish I could actually find an interest in Khorne. If he wasn't so terribly one dimensional.
  3. I don't have a lot that I could kick in, but if this actually happened right now, I'd throw some dollars at it. A, I like your product. B, it's unique visually. C, I find it more aestethically pleasing than anything Spellcrow, Kromlech or any of the others have to offer. Chaos doesn't have to be all over the top spikes. Give me baroque horror, dammit! The stuff you've made does that. I like that.
  4. Your Hellwright looks amazing. Can we get more pics of him? What House are you doing?
  5. What dremel would you use on plastics? I had one for when we had to deal with the pewter models, but I'd be worried about melting plastic.
  6. Dear ye dark and bloodstained gods. Please GW, please hurt my wallet more and give me quality Slaaneshi fantasy models so I can do this with my 40k veterans. This humble cultist begs you.
  7. So I was just trolling through here thinking, "Man, these kitbashes and conversions are really, really good. It's a shame it's all TS and DG." And then BOOM! :cussing magic. Way to get a good rogue trader feel with that Slaaneshi renegade.
  8. These look great! Your black is super crisp! I can't wait to see more.
  9. Well, I ran out of likes already tonight, but thanks for getting back to me. I'm glad they're pretty straight forward. I'm gonna have to do these myself and sprinkle in the few Diaz daemonettes I've reacquired.
  10. Dr_Ruminahui, these look amazing. How hard was the kitbashing? It looks pretty damn smooth.
  11. Your moritat is amazing. How did you get the damage on his faceplate? That looks so good.
  12. He looks great. Is the ax kitbashed or is it the one from the Sanguinary Guard?
  13. Thanks! In the words of Palpatine: DO IT Also, Krieg is now totally finished, aside from paint: Also yes, that's sticks of dynamite made from toothpicks And also, here's an early WIP of something for my Chaos: Krieg looks freaking fantastic! And by the eightfold path, your Dark Adeptus looks amazeballs! Regarding Tiny Tina, looking into bits now.
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