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About ixzion

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    Flesh Tearers

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  • Armies played
    Flesh Tearers, Ultra Marines, Daemon Hunters

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  1. I added a normal Leman Russ dozer blade to my old school vindicator. I don't have any other vindicators though. Even if I did have other Vindicators I wouldn't be worried it would look out of place as it looks quite different any way. You can just claim that it is a relic of a forgotten age (it sort is any way, when was that kit released?)
  2. ixzion

    Ixzion's Flesh Tearers

    Here I will upload pictures of my current work in progress army
  3. I believe it would have been 2 hits for each 6. Unfortunately Unleash Rage can only target Core units so the Captain can't be affected.
  4. That sounds great! I should really convert up a bike captain at some point. I have now played twice with the following build: Captain w/ jump pack Chainsword Stormshield Imperium's Sword (WL trait) Of Wrath and Rage (Flesh Tearers WL trait) Teeth of Terra (relic) "Only" 9 attacks on the charge when not in assault doctrine, but each 6 to hit grants additional hits. Last time I played my opponent I did 13 hits in total on more than one occassion which was pretty great. 120 points.
  5. This is excellent work! My own Flesh Tearers project is a bit on hold at the moment as I'm working on some other stuff, but I plan to resume the project soon. Did you use transfers for the Flesh Tearers icon, and if so, where did you get ahold of them? I ran out just recently so I need to acquire some more...
  6. I think just to be safe I will try to source some Incursor scopes from Ebay, if I can. It's not on my next list of things to do so I will keep an eye out until I find the material I need. Thanks for the advice guys.
  7. On the topic of Incursors, they do seem very solid. I like Infiltrators as well, but they are really expensive. I have the Infiltrators from the Shadowspear box, but they are yet to be assembled. Has anyone any ideas on how to convert them to Incursors?
  8. Oh man that royally sucks. I was warming to the idea of running Flesh Tearers, but if I only can take a single relic then that’s really unfortunate. I assume that I would not be able to take a relic and special issue wargear either?
  9. It's a little late to change the icon when i have already put them on all my shoulder pads I guess I will stick to my guns then. Any ideas on how to make Flesh Tearers work?
  10. It’s such a missed opportunity :( I’m not a super competitive player, but I would rather not shoot myself in the foot if I don’t have to.
  11. Hi! I have a Flesh Tearers army because I like their paint scheme and the fluff is cool. Blood of Baal gave Blood Angels a nice push, but the rules for Flesh Tearers seems a bit lacking, especially after the FAQ. I am considering running my Flesh Tearers as regular Blood Angels instead. I'm not running Seth so I'm not restricted by that at least. Would you object to that, or do you think that people in general would object?
  12. I had my game yesterday and while I lost I did much better than before. I was facing Admech led by Celestine with allied knights including two armigers and a castellan. I went second but decided to sprint my captain up the board anyway as I had scouts behind LOS blocking terrain so he couldn't be targeted. In my first turn I smashed an armiger to pieces and then charged the castellan. The castellan stomped my captain, but I used the stratagem that allowed me to fight even after death. I did a total of 20 wounds to the castellan, and while that was not enough to kill him I managed to swoop in with the rest of my army and take out the remaining wounds over the next two rounds. Thanks for all the advice I look forward to my next game to see other ways I can utilise him.
  13. Thanks brothers, this is really helpful! I have a game on Friday night, I will definitely be trying out some of this. Both times that I have used the captain I have been lucky enough to go first, but what do should I do if I go second? Should I Upon Wing of Fire him instead then or what is a good play? I have been thinking about that as well, but if you fail a charge then the extra damage won’t do you any good. On the other hand I guess you can always use a command point to reroll one of the dice.
  14. Hmm I see... i was gravitating away from making him my warlord, but I might reconsider it. I haven’t tried Gift of Foresight either, so i should give that a go. I have heard something around tactics around the fight twice stratagem. Something about slingshotting him into one unit and then attack again to another unit. Can anyone explain how this works?
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