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Acebaur last won the day on November 16 2019

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About Acebaur

  • Birthday 06/11/1982

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    Atlanta, GA
  • Faction
    Black Templars



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  1. Thank you for your service!  :thumbsup:

  2. Thank you for your service Brother Acebaur. 


  3. Marshal Laeroth and I just recorded a video on secondaries actually! We'll be posting it soon, but I'm thinking that SM have a lot more options now both because of the secondary changes and the points drops allowing for more options in our lists. Shock Tactics and Oaths are going to be staples I think. If you aren't scoring Shock tactics because you don't have any objectives to take back then you are probably already winning the game!
  4. Attacks are not simultaneous which is why you cannot find where it states that. To use your FNP example: Take Grimaldus being attacked by an enemy unit. He is required to allocate wounds to his servitors first. One of them grants a FNP. When that one dies the FNP drops and no subsequent wounds get to be rolled for FNP on Grimaldus or the other servitors(in practice you'd kill that one last but just to illustrate the point) As for your closest unit bonus, I'd need to see the wording on that bonus to determine when that bonus is determined before I could rule one way or another.
  5. Uphold is only worth it against certain armies now. Against most things with AoC or Void Armor you want AAC. Nids, Tau and even DG and BA Uphold is good against, maybe certain Eldar lists. Otherwise AAC is going to be the better option most of the time.
  6. The real question is why were you running veteran intercessors to begin with? They are even more useless(if that's possible) now that Sword Brethren exist Rules =/= Lore my dude.
  7. Answered most of your questions for you. Most of them do not need a FAQ The last two aren't FAQ material either tbh. They specifically gave us the options we did for a reason. There are "leftover" weapons because you get 2 sets of the same sprue. KT is a completely different game, why are we emailing the FAQ team about this?
  8. He is specifically not a named character. It is in the book under the WLT section.
  9. Here's the thing, NO ONE is a melee army. John is speaking about running pure melee, not army does that at competitive levels. That doesn't mean we are bad at melee (far far from it) that doesn't mean we should only run shooting units, what he's actually saying is that you have to run a list that can control the board, has fire support and can score objectives. We have that in spades. AND we are good in melee on top of that. I'm tired of seeing people take one sentence out of context and be like "iNtErNeT MaN sAiD nO MeLeE, CoDeX bAd" Please, people look at the codex and all the combo's we now have and all the great things we can do with this book. Can you run nothing buy melee units? No, no army who wants to be competitive can either. But we can run strong melee units that can take out enemy targets and be supported by shooting and board control units
  10. Honestly you are gonna want to take all BT litanies anyway most of the time. Ours are so much better than what's in C:SM that we don't need to bother with them
  11. Some things that SB have going for them that makes them a worthwhile unit They ignore passions You can combat squad them so you can have 2x of the special weapons that are worth taking (TH and LC) in one squad They have an exploding 6s strat which is really good They are cheap for what they do They are all Sword Brethren Why is this last point important? Because there are several things that trigger off of being a Sgt/SB, notably Champion of Feasts and Revered Repositories. This means that unlike other squads you can give one guy the Feast strat, like say a TH. And another a relic like the Sword of Judgment or MC weapon(LC is a good option here) You can then further buff another model with a Relic Bearer upgrade to further increase damage output.
  12. No, Vows are our super doctrine. But we'll have 4 to choose from and a lot of flexibility with that
  13. There's never been a reference to BT successors in any codex that I've seen. Do you have a source?
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