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About Excubitor

  • Birthday 05/05/1987

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Land down Under
  • Interests
  • Faction
    Inferno Wardens

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  • Armies played
    Space Marines

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  1. Plus it would allow them to reduce to one tactical squad box and leave chapter-specific stuff to upgrade kits and chapter-specific units I mean, in all their stories as far as I can recall the only tactical marine to use a Heavy Flamer is a Salamander in the salamander series!
  2. Can anyone end my pain and tell me if Tactical squads have access to Heavy Flamers now?
  3. Mostly packed away currently in favour of other games, but rough counts 3 full battle companies (Including full command squad, captain, chaplain, and librarian) 1 reserve company most of another company 1 1st company (50 terminators, 30 sternguard, 10 vanguard, 10 'legion of the damned' that were converted teleport assault specialists with boarding shields) about half a scout company 8 rhino chasis (Rhino, razorback, whirlwind) 1 vindicator 1 Predator 3 Land Raiders 5 Dreads 2 Storm Talons 2 Drop Pods Multiple characters of all shapes and sizes (including kit bashes for most named characters) Primaris is basically the starter set + 1 Intercessor squad, 1 redemptor dread, 3 gravis guys and a primaris apothecary
  4. I know it's unlikely to get the FW characters, but I can hope (Like I still hope for Heavy Flamers lol).
  5. Heavy Flamers in Tactical Squads. Forgeworld character rules. They're great, balanced and I love to use them, but hate I have to buy yet another book/ruleset each time to use them. They brought out Primaris Calgar, give us Primaris Tu'shan! Really, there's lots of ways they could go with things. If I can get Heavy Flamers in my Tactical Squads and nothing else, though, I'll be happy. I don't care if it's a bad choice, it makes sense and is in almost every bit of fiction written about Salamanders.
  6. With all this great stuff being brought in, as a Salamanders main from the early days I just have one burning desire - please GW, give us Heavy Flamers in Tactical Squads!
  7. I'm hoping they keep Hes'tan as is and add Tu'shan in Primaris/Gravis for our supplement. Also hope they bring our FW characters into the supplement.
  8. Despite many name changes over the years, I'm pretty certain I've settled on Inferno Wardens as my successors' name
  9. Rednekkboss does some awesome (and gruesome!) work here; http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/253344-the-templars-of-dooooom-warpsmith/ Ms. Charlotte and Blinky are personal favourites. Hyaenidae and the others in the "in Memorium" WiP thread are awe-inspiring www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282531-in-memoriam-update/ Scroll through the WiP forums and the Forge in general and you will find some brilliant stuff.
  10. Helpful for me, Salamanders successor but use other CT/characters from time to time (taking a bike scouting force with Khan and White Scars tactics in 750pt tourny this weekend for example).
  11. Excubitor

    Excubitor's IA stuff

    SM Painter pics for my DIY
  12. You're awesome, Carlson. Thanks for sharing all your work, between this and the other markings you've done. Definitely going to look at using these on my 30k Salamanders when I get started on them.
  13. Well, looks like another name change is in order. Thanks for pointing that out Necris. All I'd found on them was a colour scheme, and that was well after I'd renamed my chapter again. Oh well, at least most of the history will be fine.
  14. This seems strange. Merging ships should take some serious effort and industry (or the Warp, if you're a Space Hulk, I suppose). They had a significant amount of time to do all the work of merging the ships into a station, and really, they're not using much more than the Grand Cruisers the central hub (chosen because according to a info I could get it was more of a carrier class than other ships) connected with other relatively intact sections of other ships. It's little more than a resupply station, as the Chapter is mainly away from home alot of the time. I'm waiting up a bit to get my copy of the 6th BRB to finalise how long they were cut off; The Terra Nova Interregum (sp?) went on for a long time, I'm trying to find out more than vague references for it at the moment. If you could give me a pointer to anything online that might have more on it, I would be grateful. Also, as a fleet-based chapter, I would assume they would have had something like a supply train of armoury ships, repair ships etc following them. These both would have made creating the station easier, and later become part of it. I'm not a big fan. Black chapters are common as dirt. The actual Storm Hawks scheme is a lot more unique, IMO. Also, since Space Marines are willing to use camo, repainting the chapter's armor permanently wouldn't have been necessary. To be honest, I've already got most of a battle company painted, and only recently found that another chapter had the same name. It might be easier to rename the Chapter, but I've already had to do it several times because of new GW information, so trying to work around it. If I can't then I'll rename it again. Just gotten tired of it to be honest. OK. There's nothing here. There's a lot of dry technical details about who was where and how things work, but there's no explanation of who the chapter is, which means none of it matters. What makes your chapter unique isn't their equipment. It's their personality. The Salamanders are fire-loving humanitarian smiths, not those guys with seven big companies. Same principle applies here. So what's unique about your chapter? Who are they as marines? Plus, since you don't want to use any of the existing details about the Storm Hawks, why have them be the Storm Hawks at all? Alot of the detail in this are, at the moment, designed to give me an idea of what to collect. Ever since I started the hobby in Thrid Edition, and saw the Ultramarine Chapter in the Space Marine Codex, My goal in the hobby is to collect a Chapter of Space Marines. MY Chapter. The GW Storm Hawks are little more than a colour scheme in the How to Paint Space Marines book. I've explained why I've not changed the name above. Alot of my views on my chapter as fighters will come from my views on history, in particular the 9th Division of the AIF at Tobruk, and the Anzacs at Gallipoli. Stubborn, tenacious, skilled, innovative, reliant on the bonds created between the soldiers. Aggressive defense when forced to defend, unyielding in attack. These are the qualities I want in my marines. The problem, for me, is getting that across. Any help in that area would be extremely useful. @ Voi shet magir; your example of the first company is actually exactly that: those numbers represent what I'm collecting in my first company. I probably shouldn't have gone into such exacting detail here, and won't in the final product, but along with an IA this is a guide to me collecting the Chapter as a whole, so those numbers help guide me in that regard. It also highlights something else for me: they are an ancient chapter, they've been around for 7-8 thousand years, they have access to relics that many newer chapters do not. but on the other hand, unlike several older chapters, they do not have the same links to other organisiations that allows them to replace those relics easily, hence the slowly declining numbers of TDA and older armour marks/older mark vehicles. Again, hard numbers are for my own collecting purposes; they won't make the final IA unless needed. And yes, I intend my Chapter to be doing things; I've never liked the idea of "reserve" companies; to me, that means that a little under half the Chapter actually does very little combat together, but is doled out in dribs and drabs to whatever needs it at the time. That's always seemed like a waste to me. Hence, all my companies that aren't 'battle' companies actually have roles that highlight specific skill sets that they take above and beyond that of the main line units. They're not more elite, just more specialised.
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