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Scribe last won the day on January 29

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  1. They got me some time ago. It's just too much when they inflate the size of the game as well. I've been running down my MTG stock. Everything I had for GW is going next.
  2. Those people will be the ruination of the setting.
  3. Dark City didn't advance a single thing. It's a lore blurb from the Ad Mech codex of years ago. Cawl is a trash addition. The Night Lords series, and Wrath of Iron are better than anything in the last decade.
  4. Completely disagree. All the best fiction came from when it was a setting, not a story. The current path GW is on is a failed one. Meta plots suck.
  5. With the dismal ability for Black Library to even market itself and produce the books, I would bet a fraction of the current playerbase even knows what that series, and good 40K fiction, even looks like.
  6. Correct, and you can see this across any number of fandom's. Now, we can pretend this isnt the case, and watch threads get locked, or we can openly accept that this is the case, and it just isnt discussed. If the mods do their thing, then it simply wont be discussed at all, because it inherently has become political, and the title of the dudes video makes it obvious. Its just one more front, one more battle, in the culture war that nobody gets to escape it seems, unless you simply disconnect from online discourse, and news. Well, I dropped news years ago. I have started selling off all my hobby stuff, and watching this site go down with every other forum/game I follow would be sad, but I was already one foot out the door anyway, because GW's lore has sucked, and their books have sucked, for quite some time.
  7. Yes it is, and you are willfully blind if you dont see how.
  8. From a simple lore perspective? Easy. Its just yet another garbage change, in the lore which has been progressively worse (with minor well done additions like Votann) with every edition since 4th. So much of any kind of 'recent' lore change has been absolutely terrible, and yes Primaris are top of that list. If you want to get into the reasons for the change, outside of naked capitalism, this thread wont live. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. So yeah, pretty much any new 40K lore, and especially the stuff that is a clear *wink wink* totally not a retcon, is trash. Has been for probably over a decade at this point.
  9. This thread wont live. This topic is not going to enrich this forum, or the protected corner of the hobby which we had here. If ever there was a time for the zeal of the mods to shine, its on all this stuff, and its now.
  10. Endurance is a quality of its own. Well done to the Admins especially.
  11. As in no 'buy these tax units to get the bonus you want'. I think it was 7th where it was 'the big thing' and then you had the unmitigated disaster of 9th bloat Strats. Warlord Traits 'Faction Rule' FoC - Standardized again. Points, not Power Levels.
  12. I'm sorry, but no. The best version cannot contain detachments, or formations. An ideal edition exists in some designers twinkling eye, but it's closer to 5th, than 8th.
  13. Every edition can be, has been, and will be, broken. GW is rewarded by this being true. There is a reason the base points have increased. There is a reason the FoC is gone. There is a reason bespoke character kits are pushed. It's not to make a better game.
  14. No it isn't, we had multiple (better) editions without these models. Apocalypse was not the preferred way to play 40k and GW has pushed it to sell large and expensive kits. This is not objectively better than it was.
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