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Arkangilos last won the day on February 4 2023

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About Arkangilos

  • Birthday 07/28/1992

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    Sanguinary Crusaders

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    Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Tau, Inquistors, Chaos

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  1. The ones that don’t wear helmets don’t do it to look cool, they do it because their heads are bigger and so the helmets don’t fit.
  2. I would rather Astorath be gotten rid of and Lemartes become the big chaplain like he was in 3rd.
  3. I’m not angry. No I didn’t. You started off laughing at someone that didn’t like the sculpts and dismissed his reasons. Then you asked a series of questions. The answer I gave was a simple truth, I can get higher quality for much cheaper. So you asked, I answered. I even said later on that I didn’t even like printing GW stuff and preferred buying from them. Then why did you 1) laugh at someone that complained, and 2) dismiss the main complaint? (Cost). Everyone’s reply was that GW boasts premium quality and charges premium prices. Because you were laughing and ridiculing criticism, you and several others missed the mark by missing the criticism. You were so caught up in saying why they were wrong you missed why they were right, and your persistence in defending bad behavior in the way you and others did it are indicative of White Knighting. Look man, if you can take responses and being called something, don’t dish it out. You were the first to call names, so don’t get offended when people dish it back out. You don’t want to be called a white knight? Don’t strawman, don’t go off about printer bros, and don’t laugh at people not liking things.
  4. Pretty sure the original complaint wasn’t from a “printer Bro”. It was from someone upset they paid a lot for obviously bad defects. The “white knights” then came out and dismissed the obviously valid criticism and asked why it was a big deal, and then I, an “apparent” “printer bro” answered a question as to why people might be upset, and the “white knights” got upset. You know an easy solution to this discussion? Stop getting offended if someone is disappointed in the quality. I know it sucks when someone doesn’t like your toys, but if the expensive toys are low quality then it is valid.
  5. I wanted this to be the box for me. But lower quality that is more expensive made it not. To make it clear: it isn’t the quality, it is the *price*.
  6. And charging more for lower quality. I prefer buying from the company. I *used* to be against printing my own GW models. But when GW invalidates your army, and charges a premium price for bad quality, I can’t justify it. If *you* are fine with paying high prices for bad quality that is on you. I’m not going to judge you. I expect you not to get upset when people are upset they are paying premium for low quality.
  7. Well yeah, but that cost can print me several armies and I would still come out ahead, and I can use it for more. The point is that the company that you pay a premium for has lower quality than a one of the cheaper resin printers. I think the one I got for my dad was around 200 dollars. 40 dollars extra of resin and now I’ve got two LI’s with decent to better quality. That’s *cheaper* than what they did for lower quality.
  8. My problem with it is that I can do a home 3D print for about 1/5 the price and 10 times the quality.
  9. Fair. I haven’t read his other novels that weren’t BA ones, just Dante (and the short story with the LE, it’s the only LE I’ve ever gotten) and Devastation. At least that I can recall. And he captured the BA masterfully imo.
  10. I don’t know about his other stuff, but Guy Haley has had by far the best depiction of the BA in 40k. Well, him and ADB.
  11. There is a lot wrong with this, and some good with it. First, we have to consider the cultural influence (Catholicism (specifically Medieval Catholicism) and Anglicanism). First: In Christian theology, specifically Western Catholicism, the Seraphim are the highest (which Satan was), and they did *not* look like wheels, that would be the Thrones (what you called Ophanim) which are the third highest. The only vision they are described in they show up with both the Seraphim and the Cherubim (Cherubim are the second highest, and aren’t the babies). We see this with Sanguinius being amongst the highest of the primarchs. Second: Angels appeared in a multitude of ways for specific purposes. For instance, St. Michael is regarded as a Seraphim, but appears as a man when he speaks to the Holy Prophet Daniel, and appears as a man in the Revelation of St. John. We see this depiction in the model of Sanguinius (the forgeworld model is literally a take on St. Michael vanquishing Satan). Third: St. Michael the Archangel (which in Catholicism has a special feast day called Michaelmas, or the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, complete with its own fasting period), in which we commemorate his several offices: the protector of humanity from Satan (seen in our St. Michael prayer), the calling away from evil, the protector of God’s Chosen, and the deliverer of souls to the their judgment. We see Sanguinius do all of these things (with specific rules and lore for each one). Finally: Jesus is the son of God, but in Christian theology He is *also* God. Where as Sanguinius is *not* also the emperor. He is a creation of the Emperor, just as St. Michael, prince of angels, is just a creation of the Emperor. Yes, there is a lot of bleed over, but it isn’t a cut and dry as “He is 40K Jesus”. It is a “He is basically a mix of Jesus and St. Michael” with the main “Jesus” part being the communion (drinking his blood from the Chalice).
  12. Sanguinius kept the ritual eating, but renamed it to the Rite of Remembrance or something like that, and made it more dignified. It was either in Sanguinius: The Great Angel or Echoes of Eternity. I think it was in the latter, and if it was it was Amit that mentioned it. (Actually I'm fairly certain it was in Echoes of Eternity in the same chapter where Amit was eating the brain of a fallen brother).
  13. We don't, but what I'm saying is that we actually have an in universe explanation for returning characters if we want to. All it takes is one guy getting permission.
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