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About Cognative

  • Birthday 08/26/1989

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  • Faction
    Black Templar

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  • Armies played
    Black Templar

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  1. Hey all, been a while since I hit up this board, but it's a fortuitous thing. I've been thinking about a bar for my Orlocks, and finally assembled this. I've got to add some more in the 'parking lot' area, and paint it, but I think it's good progress so far https://imgur.com/a/ccLXYAj
  2. Haha, A friend of mine said he must lead the Tuskan Raiders, so I guess he really feels Star Wars! Thanks! Thanks! I'm trying to make my gangs very distinct and colorful, while the hired Guns will be more neutral and subdued, so it sounds like I hit the mark!
  3. I took a bunch of glam shots of my 'Munda models and figured I should do the same for my King in Yellow Characters. Magus Primus Abominant Jackal Alphus Sniper Sanctus Converted Kelermorph Nexos Clamavus Biophagus
  4. Updated main post with some newer pictures, added escher, cawdor, enforcer, sumpkroc, wyrdlock, slate. These close up pictures are showing me all sorts of things I've missed. Next up on the painting table is Yar Umbra and the Deserter, and my Goliaths, The Necromunda Ire-ish (Get it? Cause Ire can mean anger)
  5. Holy God Emperor! I expected the Zerker to be comically oversized, but not the stimmers, at least not to that extent. I'm actually less excited to pick mine up now. The prospects however look amazing.
  6. My buddies joke that it's OSHA Safety Yellow, which I feel like fits the Orlocks. Even in the grim darkness of the far future, there is Space OSHA.
  7. Apollus Kage has joined the Rustland Wreckers. Slate Merdena will be following. I'm hoping to get another box of Orlocks and a FW upgrade sprue in the not to distant future to finish my gang up and have all the WYSIWYG options I plan on running in a campaign. I'm also super excited for the House of Iron book and releases, I'll def be revisiting the Wreckers then. Apollus Kage
  8. http://imgur.com/gallery/RhuVeWf Group Shot. It's been a while since I've put paint on any models so trying to get some motivation. Happy with where my force is and happy to see it grow.
  9. Well, I didn't stick to this at all it seems. Here is an updated picture of what I've been working on. The Rustland Wreckers (Orlock), The Green Knights of Sir Gawain (Cawdor), and Upari and the Slits (Escher). I'll try to get glam shots of them next time they're on the table. I'm currently working on my Enforcers, 3 models down , 4 to go.
  10. Ambot Alpha 455 in possession of The Rustland Wreckers
  11. Taking a second look at this, it looks like the 32s I out them on for this pic is a smidge taller than the 25s. Probably pretty darn close in height to most gangs, but bulkier for sure than most gangs except Goliath.
  12. Palatine Enforcers vs Orlock, Cawdor, Guardsmen http://imgur.com/a/iwsgxRY Enforcers are def bigger, bulkier all around.
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