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cheywood last won the day on July 10 2020

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  1. Interceptor City, the sequel to Double Eagle, was announced long ago. Dan hinted that he was finally writing it a few years ago and since then we’ve heard naught but crickets. Hopefully it eventually sees the light of day.
  2. Darkoath is coming June 8th, preorder May 25th. I know AOS news doesn’t belong here, but I figured people wanted to know that BL does still publish novels. This also confirms that there won’t be any new hardback/paperback releases in May. Could still get some LEs though. Wild that they’re skipping an entire month in a year that’s already seen multiple books delayed.
  3. As of right now, Fnac doesn’t have a single book scheduled for May besides the previously announced AOS anthology. Hopefully there are still some LEs coming out for those who collect.
  4. I missed that article entirely, thanks for sharing!
  5. Something interesting seems to be coming down the pipe this fall. Gav Thorpe and Guy Haley have written a sourcebook covering the history of Warhammer through pictures and background writing, with a focus on the many miniatures GW has made over the years. Here’s the link: https://www.brownsbfs.co.uk/Product/Thorpe-Gavin/Warhammer-40000-The-Ultimate-Guide/9780241661314
  6. They’ve delayed multiple books this year. I doubt it’s an arbitrary reason, they don’t usually sit on announced books like this, but the total lack of communication makes it feel highly arbitrary.
  7. Reading it now thanks to the Fnac release. I think those who liked the first trilogy will enjoy it quite a lot. It feels stranger than Eternal was. The narrative is non-linear and I might need a second read through to fully understand it.
  8. As @skylerboodie mentioned, the Morvenn Vahl book is a separate novel. Was she even a High Lord at the time of Cadia’s fall? I thought she came to power post-rift. That’s the German edition. Let’s hope the English version arrives a little early!
  9. This looks to be a Sororitas novel by Jude Reid set during the Fall of Cadia. It’s titled Aveline: Daemon Breaker and sounds quite exciting: This is the German version of Rob Young’s Longshot from last year. Thanks for posting! This the first mention of Jude Reid’s SoB novel. I’m guessing it’s the second entry in the five part Sisters of Battle series BL announced in the 2022 preview.
  10. They also bring up the first Cado Ezechiar novel without noting the sequel’s available this weekend. This is basic stuff. If only any care were put into these posts.
  11. Looking forward to the next crime anthology in which every short story is uncredited so you have to guess who wrote it. The answer, tragically, is Claude Opus 3.
  12. Female custodes, female space marines, feminine orks. Whatever works, it makes no real difference to me. But I hope the novels and lore actually address this. We have numerous books mentioning exclusively male custodes and just retconning that as though custodes have always been men and women is silly. It would be easy to write about the custodes deciding to use women because of their numbers being depleted now that they’re off crusading and stabbing things away from Terra. The Imperium’s population isn’t in a great way genetically these days, one can imagine, and it’s much harder to find viable candidates, so women (well, girls) are being utilized despite a slightly higher failure rate on account of hormonal differences or whatever. I like gender equality, I hate lazy retcons. But my guess is they won’t really address it.
  13. Certainly not all of them. This is RS Wilt’s 5th BL story, Jon Flindall’s 3rd, and Richard Swan’s 2nd. Swan is also an established fantasy novelist who likely didn’t have to go through the open submissions process. The other authors - Fenech, McDougall, Vincent, and Crowe - are all new as far as the BL website is concerned. My guess is that BL took the stories it liked from the submissions window and then had other authors write/submit pitches for successor shorts to fill things out.
  14. It would make a ton of sense, but they’re not doing that. Abnett could be writing a Votann novel this year (or something totally different), but Thorpe was in the middle of writing a Votann novel last year (he posted and deleted a teaser on Twitter) and Hand of Abaddon, Kyme’s forthcoming DoF novel, will involve the Votann. Those will presumably be the first novels featuring the Leagues.
  15. I don’t know about that. It’s certainly non-traditional, but 80s action heroes spouting Tennyson and Shakespeare while murdering xenos feels like a pretty perfect encapsulation of the 40k vibe.
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