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Ascanius last won the day on October 19 2017

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    Black Legion

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  1. Nurgle's a guy who loves a fly And is also known as Grandfather Always giving us boils and pox That he grows in his garden, so No, I don't want your power No, I don't want you in my mind and No, I don't wanna know your secrets No, I don't want none of your lies and No, I don't want no gods A god is a thing of the warp and not for me Reflections of our mortal minds in empyreal tides Tainting all we could be (X2) Well, Khorne's promised a cull, but his threats are kinda dull And he knows that he will not get my skull 'Cause that red-hot ass on a throne of dirty brass Ain't in my Emperor's class, so No, I don't want your power No, I don't want you in my mind and No, I don't wanna know your secrets No, I don't want none of your lies and No, I don't want no gods A god is a thing of the warp and not for me Reflections of our mortal minds in empyreal tides Tainting all we could be (X2) If you're flayed alive and you like it Oh, Slaanesh, I'm talking to you If your girl has pink hair and crab claws Oh, Slaanesh, I'm talking to you If you're talking pleasure but you really mean pain Oh, Slaanesh, I'm talking to you Won't take control and eat my soul Oh no, I don't want no . . . No, I don't want no gods A god is a thing of the warp and not for me Reflections of our mortal minds in empyreal tides Tainting all we could be (X2) See, you say you'll magically expand my horizons But you say you're a friend and that means that you lyin' I don't find it surprising if you don't know the way To sway me into serving you and giving you praise So, let me give you nothing to think about Fortify my mind with intentions to keep you out The armour of contempt is all that I really need Your power's nothing set against the imperial creed You keep promising me something spectacular Visions oracular, as if I'll crack for ya With ceramite protection, rejecting your mental connection Can't affect my direction or compel my defection Master fate-spinner, if you want to really know Ask the Emperor imprisoned on the Golden Throne Between the faith we wield and our ships' Geller fields You'll never get our souls No, I don't want no gods A god is a thing of the warp and not for me Reflections of our mortal minds in empyreal tides Tainting all we could be
  2. I'd be shocked if they established that Abaddon has a single second-in-command - not just because that's the point of the Ezekarion as a whole, but because it definitely seems more apt for both Chaos in general and Abaddon in particular to never name an official second and instead encourage various lieutenants to compete for primacy.
  3. My uninformed guess would be that, given Dawn of Fire is more closely tied to the Studio's game narratives than ever before, its success is more likely to lead to a new set of novels associated with the storyline in the next phase of the game's releases, or the next edition, depending on timing. I also think it's a good thing that the novel Indomitus isn't part of Dawn of Fire, even though it does explicitly involve ships of Indomitus Crusade Fleet Quintus. As with the links to Chris Wraight's Vaults of Terra and Watchers of the Throne, I appreciate seeing connections between different stories without everything needing to be braided together in a single rope.
  4. It took a while to get used to his performance, but I do, too. I am amused, however, that someone evidently told him he was pronouncing "Omnissiah" incorrectly a couple of chapters in, but they didn't bother to go back and re-record the earlier lines. On the other hand, although he doesn't distinguish them as I would, I appreciate that he's one of the few British audiobook actors who pronounces "empyreal" and "empyrean" so it differs from "imperial" and "imperium" more than some. I'm never confused when the two words sound identical in other actors' mouths, but it is a bit jarring. Elstob places the emphasis on the first and third syllables - EM-pih-REE-ul - whereas most actors say em-PEE-ree-ul, which is only one often-elided vowel sound different from "imperial". I emphasise the second syllable but keep the short vowel sound - em-PIRR-ee-ul, or ɪɹ in IPA, like "mirror" or "Sirius".
  5. Rhu from Warhammer Community tweeted recently that he's moving from that team to the partworks magazines. Now, maybe that just means finishing off Mortal Realms, but maybe it means that they're going to be producing more in the future . . .
  6. Worst option for the worst worlds: servitor wet nurses. You don't have to ever have been pregnant to induce lactation, so it's not difficult to imagine some worlds setting up infant creches with servitors who feed them on a set rotation, 24 hours a day, forever.
  7. I remain hopeful that the rumours about a retooling of Forge World come true, and that one of its new purposes is producing exactly the kind of specific customisation bits and pieces that people really want, but not enough people really want to make it viable to produce them in plastic. Robed Dark Angel Primaris torsos and heads, extra bionic bits for Iron Hands and veterans, chapter-specific shoulderpads for some of the smaller but still popular chapters (i.e. at least those that they included in the Deathwatch kit), et cetera . . . It could be like the glory days of the Horus Heresy upgrade kits, only in support of the main product range and thus presumably more viable over the long term.
  8. I am not a doctor, and this may be something you're already aware of, but the way you describe this reminds me of myself - and the reason I'm like that is because of ADHD. If it's new to you, might be something worth looking into?
  9. There were specific hints relating to Fulgrim in the first two Psychic Awakening books. Emphasis mine: +++ Ordovoxian Transmission +++ Emperor’s Day, 12 Post OCM A strike force of Aeldari clad in black armour emerged from the Perditas Zone just as we engaged the forces of the Screaming Serpent. The xenos used our assault as a distraction, harrying the foe’s flanks as we charged into the killing sonic blasts of the heretics holding the centre. The Aeldari’s cursed xenotech proved effective against the footsoldiers of the Grand Cacophony. Even the hissing streams of discs released from their sidearms somehow cut through the ceramite armour of the traitor host where good honest lasfire had failed us. For a time, we allowed ourselves to believe the Nodum Psykana could be saved. Then came the Screaming Serpent. Vast it was, its wings blocking out the sky. Its three swords cut men in half with each sweep. Its whip-hand simply beckoned, and I watched in horror as the Storm Troopers engaging it fell to their knees, then toppled face first into the mud. What that hated thing was, I can only guess, but it haunts my every waking moment. Something in my gut tells me I witnessed nothing less than ++ REDACTED+++ +++ [Vox Intercept: Yhedaris System] 'Hear this, you simpering lapdogs! You servile, dull creatures. The Illuminator is coming! Yhedaris is but the frst brushstroke upon a grand canvas. He is coming, and with him comes an endless carnival of sensation!' Addendum: Vox transmission hails from the Cathedrum of the Ashen Heart on Ortus Prime. No response along priority channels. Multiple Heretic warships sighted traversing the Cascar Nebula, on a path towards Black Mantle. Iconography matches that of the Emperor’s Children, Excommunicate Traitoris +++ It's not a guarantee that Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children are coming out in 2021 or anything, but there's nothing equivalent for Angron and the World Eaters in any of the books. The new corebook does set the scene for the possibility that Angron will appear on Armageddon sometime, if I recall correctly, but it seems likelier that Fulgrim will come first. That goes along with other rumours I've seen here, such as when someone commented that they were thinking of buying the Morathi model to kitbash their own Fulgrim, they were told to wait. That was literally 2.5 years ago, of course, so it may have been the usual nonsense.
  10. I always liked the approach from earlier editions where, for instance, Chaos Space Marines had the four varieties of cult troops as elite options, but taking a Death Guard/World Eaters/Thousand Sons/Emperor's Children army meant you could have those units as cult troops and that you were forbidden from taking any of the other three options. (Admittedly, that doesn't make much sense for Rubricae if your army is from any of the other Traitor Legions except the Black Legion, but it's manageable through alliances.) These days there's even more room for that sort of thing than there used to be, with the Primaris range making the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves closer to the standard range than they have been for decades. I don't know if it makes business sense, but as far as I'm concerned there's no reason why they couldn't fold all the Space Marines back together. Grey Knights, I guess, are a bit of an outlier since they don't have units in common.
  11. Given that the Dawn of Fire novel series is explicitly the first time that the Studio and Black Library have worked on a cohesive narrative, it wouldn't surprise me if that's why things have jumped back - the idea of the Indomitus Crusade being too fertile a ground for such an effort to leave alone. So, you jump back to the Indomitus Crusade and move forward from there, because in any case it's such a long and expansive effort that you could easily set several editions' worth of starter sets in different parts of it.
  12. What are we talking about, here? The normal English words for these things would be "redeemer" and "absolver", but redemptor is the correct Latin translation of "redeemer" (ask a Catholic priest!) and while absolvor is not exactly the correct noun form of absolvo, the pattern is recognisable - and High Gothic isn't Latin anyway.
  13. The only real weirdness now is that Dark Imperium (the novel series and the 8th Edition boxed set) takes place at the end of the Indomitus Crusade, very explicitly, whereas Indomitus (the novel and the 9th Edition boxed set) takes place during the Indomitus Crusade. So 9th Edition has basically jumped back several decades from 8th Edition, roughly speaking.
  14. I don't play1 and I do collect, so I guess so. 1 I bought the Indomitus box and so my wife and I might try playing against each other, but who knows if that will be an ongoing thing or not? I'm not expecting it to. She likes playing games more than I do . . .
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