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About HenricusTyranicus

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    Black Templars and Sergeants

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  1. Honestly, despite the fact that I haven't run conscripts since the codex dropped, I'm mostly salty about those. Not because a single list I have was affected, but just because taking a unit that it took some serious creativity to make good already and then lighting it on fire and leaving it to die is just petty.
  2. I.....I... just can't understand what they're doing with conscripts. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that Commissars are reverting to their previous status, or conscripts follow all orders now. Or both. Otherwise conscripts are just ludicrously bad.
  3. Quote from the designer's commentary: Q: If a rule modifies a model’s Strength characteristic, and that model is equipped with a melee weapon that also has a modifier (e.g. ‘x2’), could you explain the order in which the modifiers are applied to the characteristics and the weapon’s Strength? A: First you must determine the model’s current Strength characteristic. To do so apply all modifiers to it that multiply or divide the value, then apply any that add or subtract to it. Having done this, you then modify this value as described by the weapon’s Strength characteristic. For example, let’s imagine a model with a basic Strength characteristic of 3 is under the effects of two psychic powers: a friendly one that doubles their Strength characteristic, and an enemy one that subtracts 1 from their Strength characteristic. That model’s current Strength is therefore 5. If this model then fights with a weapon like a power fist, which has a Strength characteristic of ‘x2’, that attack will therefore be resolved at Strength 10. So it goes multiply, then add, THEN you repeat the steps with the weapon. So yeah, str 8 powerfists.
  4. I think bearing regimental doctrines in mind may be helpful. Plasma is directly supported by Cadians, Vostroyans, Armageddon. Indirectly, it's boosted by Mordian's general desire to be within 12 inches of their opponents, their plus one to hit on overwatch making it impossible to overheat, their order using rapidfire weapons, and their stratagem using rapidfire weapons. It's also boosted by Tallarn's outflank ability, allowing rapidfire weapons to close in where you need them. By contrast, the only support for grenade launchers comes from Tallarn's ability to maintain a solid distance. I run some grenade launchers myself, and I think they could be valuable on Vet squads serving as fire support, but they're also clearly outclassed as line trooper weapons by Plasma.
  5. Typical infantry rarely have more than one wound though. Still a pretty niche use.
  6. So correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you make the decision to spend the CP after you've seen your opponent's army? If you look across the field and see no long range anti tank, but tons of anti infantry, you can spend it. If you show up and the enemy has 10 lascannons in their army, you know your Russes are dead and don't spend the CP.
  7. My last big game I ran 4 battalions and one spearhead. Positively beautiful. EDIT: Wrote Brigade instead of Battalion for some reason. Very, very different, lol.
  8. I think GW was a little clumsy about how it implemented the nerf, but it was necessary. And if they do similar things when other armies are demonstrated to be totally out of whack, that will be better for the game. So yeah, I'm planning on abiding by the FAQ religiously.
  9. The Valhallan regimental trait is looking pretty sweet now though. At least if you like running a ton of infantry squads like I do.
  10. I'd have to math out whether it actually is better, tbh. It's better generally, but I think I can construct scenarios where the Mordian one would be better situationally. And when you can only use a stratagem every so often anyway, being better situationally is not bad.
  11. I don't think it's cheesy. I myself am refraining from it right now because I don't have a great way to differentiate which models are which, and because I'm already crushing people right now. Once new Codices come out, and I find time to paint models in slightly different colors or something, I'll probably start doing it as well.
  12. Depending on whether your group uses the optional limit to your number of detachments, you could also just take a billion Battalion detachments. My last 2000 point list had 4 of them. About 1000 points for all your infantry with upgrades leaves you with 1000 points to play around with awesome support toys, and still have terrifying board presence.
  13. I've lost no games with the Codex, including a victory over Mortarion and his Death Guard. I also introduced a player to 40k, and played his Necrons he built from the start collecting set. I grossly underestimated the power of the list I threw against him. I had one loss with the index, against that same Mortarion and Death Guard army.
  14. If a Cadian officer with the Cadian Warlord trait orders an infantry squad next to a conscript squad, what is the procedure for seeing if the conscripts receive the order? Would it be a simple roll of a 4+, they get the order? Or would it be 4+, then 4+?
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