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Anamnesis last won the day on September 19 2020

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About Anamnesis

  • Birthday 02/21/1989

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    Charnel Guard / Custodes

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  1. Absolutely lovely model, especially the maroon! Weathering is really nice too, and adds a good deal of depth. Would you mind sharing the recipe for your maroon? Finding them for this kind of color are few and far between. Sure thing, the base is white preshade over black, wine red on the bottow and try to leave the white for the main light, highlight the top with dirty red from ak, just shade back with wine red mixed with phtalo green and voila !
  2. It seem I'm on a roll as another mini is complete ! That's also the first major conversion I painted Meet the new and improved (imho) Trajann Valoris based like so many conversion on Bastian The icon on the cloak is a decal as I was to lazy to do a big freehand on it I don't know what will be coming next as I trying my hand at painting a bust but it may be custodes or aos will see ! Happy painting Anamnesis
  3. This thread haven't so much activity in months, crazy Anyway, here is my completed caladius, fun project and learned a lot ! Next up, my conversion of trajann based on bastian the stormcast, as a lot of people have done... Cheers! Anamnesis
  4. Thank you very much, the blades are really fun to do ! Thank you Wulf Vengis, the hand are from the original kit from forgeworld ,the kit is pretty awesome as you have a lot of option for building him and something like 3 differents hands Thank you, I find snow base really special, I can't really explain why but hey
  5. So many updates, what's happening ! Dreadnought achillus is done! And since I'm on fire, I started the caladius, trying my hand at wet wipe marble, a bit of peeling when I took of the masking tape sadly, but it's not too bad and I'm pretty chuffed with the result Cheers Anamnesis
  6. Hello, I've made a little tutorial on how I painted the power weapon for my custodes force as I had a few request Result on my blade champion Anamnesis's minis madness: [Tutorial] Lightning power weapon (anamnesismadness.blogspot.com) Happy painting Anamnesis
  7. I deliberately chose not to add too many colours, though between the cloak and the skirt it seems like a lot of red but you don't have so much on other models And the tutorial is up Anamnesis's minis madness: [Tutorial] Lightning power weapon (anamnesismadness.blogspot.com) ! Let me know if it's useful Anamnesis
  8. Thanks guys! I'm happy you like the blade as it's probably my favourite part hehe This year, I'm hoping to paint what I like without putting to much pressure to paint an army again, in this mindset I just wanted to paint the new Aragorn Blade champion just because I think the mini is awesome ! Cheers! Anamnesis Edit: A tutorial for the sword is in the pipeline as I've been flooded by request
  9. Alright after going back and forth here is my first custodes as I just can't get excited with marines saddly Let me know what you think as it was pretty fun and fully made with brush this time fun exercise Happy painting! Anamnesis
  10. Ha! I already have a hard time painting for me Anyway, I made the acquisition of shadow throne, so you may see some custodes, the appeal to have 10 minis for a 1000pts army is really real
  11. Your faces...You have mastered the art of bringing out the ugly in these grimdark "heroes". These are beyond praise and strikingly, hauntingly perfected. You sir or Madame are incredible. Keep it up. Lovely work. Thanks guys, I'm happy you like the faces I paint, I really enjoy painting them and could probably do this all the day ! Speaking of face, I need to find one to paint againt, it's been to long
  12. Alright, I was in a kitbash mood after thinking about those conversion for way too long so I finally took the plunge! I forgot how fun it is to kitbash marines! The idea is to play on the lore since the charnel guard is supposed to be a mix of blood angels and night lords, so death company will have terror squad helmet and I'm using sparingly night lords chain weapon (mostly because they look so cool ) I was considering changing tor garadon fist but I actually really like the look Captain with the shield is just a mock up at the moment, I need to work on the pose Let me know what you think! Cheers, Anamnesis
  13. Some wonderful inspiration in this thread! Lovely work and you should be proud
  14. Very nice! I'm still debating what do to with mine, but I'm hoping to paint them at one point if night lords don't distract me I still need to take picture of this astraeus properly though
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