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About Phubar

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  1. Sorry but the only use of the bottom gap is to fill it with corpses of aliens, mutant and/or heretics. Edit: forgot the word "corpses"
  2. What if they gaim ignore cover and they hit every model in 12" range in the targeted squad?
  3. The problem is not that 30 laguns can scratch a wound on a LRBT but the fact that we have lost some variety in weapons effectiveness against both infantry and vehicles.
  4. The change to the wounding system was awful as it made some weapons useless and some effective against "wrong" targets. We need two ways for determine to wound rolls, one fot infantry and one for vehcles.
  5. Thanks for sharing! TC bs4 is awful and new Desthstrike is a big question mark.
  6. The new Tau dex has nice things about Kroots, one is that for each Carnivores you could field a Krootox, one hound unit and a Shaper without taking additional slots. Maybe a hint on how we could get platoons back?
  7. Having all heavy weapons available on all russ, sentinels and hellhoumd varianta would be nice as versatility could be a nice thing. So we can decide to have a cheap, a fast and a durable option for delivering the weapon that we need.
  8. I think that Vanq could be few shots at high AP and damage as it is a tank/monster killer so having the chance to oneshot (kill or cripple) is more fluffy than having it doing a good average that needs more shots to kill a target.
  9. The new Tau railgun can be an hint of what we will get with the Vanquisher? Obviusly the Vanq will have some smaller numbers somewhere.
  10. The ripper gun has is limited in bursts just for avoiding Ogryns from empty the magazine in one burst... I dont think they could ever have the intelligence to be able to even think that could exist more than one type of ammo :D
  11. Too much changes in the wound roll and ap mechanics made the balance and most of all the variety a pain. Sorry but i see no future in hb/ac difference unless the ac will be made too much similar to missile launcher
  12. I'd love to have tank shock again! My 50 cents: in order to make a tank shock you have to move at least the movement speed, every infantry/bike unit crossed takes D3 (or D6 for units of 11+ models) mortal wounds on a roll of 4+ (5+ or even 6+ for characters).
  13. Multilasers until 8th ed were a better than heavy bolters choice against light vehicles and high toughness, high armour targets (ie against rhinos and space marines). Now with new "to wound" table and new ap system they became useless. Only thing that cames in my mind is to give them a bonus on wounding (maybe reroll 1) but it would only work on T4 to T7 models ant that rule would be balanced but akward.
  14. Was that the heavy bolter "pistol" of the primaris dreddy, the cowboy one?
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