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  1. So I've been out of the hobby for a long long time now, took an extended break to try my hand at Gunpla(turns out I really like that) But Heresy 2.0 is dragging me back in, so to start us off, here's a custom contemptor I've been working on. Updates will be slow.
  2. Sorry for my weird previous posts, I was out of it, lost track of what posts I was actually replying to, and was totally in the wrong place. No bait, just idiocy on my part. Really liking how you've fused the gnarlmaw to the knight, the roots running through it look excellent. And good idea to add the creeping vines in. Excited to see how that ends up looking. I'd be tempted to copy the idea myself, but it's not the look I want my Knights to have. I never really liked the FW Knight heads, but for some reason I really like it here. I think it just pairs well the the nurgle look and with the rest of the work you've done
  3. I may be wrong but I think I spy a pistol holster hidden away at his side. Though maybe adding a holstered Ork shotgun or something similar to his back(like the barbarian of Blanche's artwork) may go a long way. Even without that addition it's a suburb model I'm actually quite jealous of.
  4. Almost right, wasn't fully mechanical, only partially bionic, like land himself. But it was a recreation and not a true animal, he thought their tails would have stingers like a scorpion if I remember correctly. A pets and/or familiars series is something I could really get behind however. And fair enough, makes me think about how I only allow guests in shortly after cleaning. I'm actually just outside the city myself. But I'll certainly message you once I'm back from vacation, and I'm going to start introducing members of my gaming circle to your work. I should have ages ago.
  5. Just a random idea, what about cutting the inside collar to look as though it were a second row of teeth, that might reinforce the shark theme. Are those lightning claw power cords in his legs? If so I think you just have me my solution of what to do with all the ones I have laying around. Have any raptor imperialis bits from custodes? That could be a good fit for the techno barbarian. As always you continue to inspire.
  6. I will certainly be integrating the gellerpox fellows into my army. Mostly as spawn, extra zombies and conversion fodder. Same goes for the blood bowl team. Though they may see double duty as an entry into blood bowl as well
  7. I have a bit of an odd question for you, as you're actually quite close to me in the real world. Do you have any kind of brick and mortar presence? Or a way to buy in person? As I would love to buy so much from you, but if I can save on shipping that would be a strong motivator to do it sooner than later. Also if you ever expand enough to need employees, I'd love to assist you in any way I can. Your dedication to your craft is inspiring, and I love the subtle alterations to your magos. and I must echo kraut in that the extended reactor is quite striking
  8. Hmm. This is a good excuse to get back to my death guard... And it's about time I used the vows here to force me to finish something... As for what, I have no idea
  9. These are all brilliant and I'll be stealing a lot of ideas off of you. Good work. That deamon prince though! Now that's inspired. Very unique DP and instantly in the list of my top five princes
  10. Oh, okay then.Sorry I don't even remember posting that. Weird. Either way, great work on the khorne stuff, very inspiring. And that brain creature gives me ideas. Not that I need any more projects to worry about. Not a huge wolf fan but it'll be nice to see what you do with them.
  11. If you could combine both focuses that would be awesome too. I love me some dark mechanicus. All in good time I'm sure. Would not want to rush your process, what you're producing is simply amazing. And if I'm being honest, a cut above the typical aftermarket selection. Good luck reassembling your face!
  12. Ooooooooh wow. You're not even done and you've totally changed my perspective on the look of the ranged kastelan. I came for chaos, but stayed for mechanicus. Oh my.
  13. Watching that plasma come together has been amazing. No matter how long it takes I'll be following this project to the very end. It's inspiring and humbling all at the same time
  14. I'm having such an issue deciding on the team for my first kill team game. Death guard have way too many good options. If I go with what I already have, it would be a champion (fully loaded), heavy with blight launcher, combat with cleaver, veteran with icon of despair, a melta plague Marine and two poxwalkers. But I'm debating getting a box of plague Marines just to give myself all the options. So hard to choose!
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