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  1. Forgive me if this is a stupid question but I have only had a few games of 8th edition so far. Would Alpha Legion's Forward Operatives confer to a Dedicated Transport? I've rummaged through the rule books and can't seem to come to an answer. Thanks!
  2. I think many readers fail to recognize that any account of the Alpha Legion is going to be obfuscated by the nature of how their Harrows (and frankly, all effective wetworks) operate. Compound this with how the books are read through historical and human (flawed) recollections that lean both to traitor lies and imperial propaganda. The Black Library team tends to be incredibly well read, especially history and the classics. My great hope is that the Alpha Legion represents the two extremes in WWII of spymasters/agents like Juan Pujol Garcia and Otto Skorzeny (Autilon Skor?). The XX (Convenient, no?) Society in Great Britain played both sides of the conflict so well, that it took decades to firmly establish that they had ever been for Great Britain. The key was doing enough dirty work for the Nazis to appear highly effective, while keeping the most critical victories for the Allies. I hope this is the case for my beloved Legion. As Alpharius says in Legion, "The Alpha Legion has always been for the Emperor".
  3. I have not seen anything official either way. Interesting if it is considering we just got Shroud of Night. 2 out of 3 posting gathering storm novels about the AL would be something...
  4. So excited. And by Rob Sanders, no less! The story arch is so easily discernible from the description that I can't wait for the plot twist that proves us all wrong. The use of the name Occam is particularly clever. I truly hope he has a razor. "In the hostile universe of the 41st millennium, where allegiances are ever fickle, few of the Emperor’s sons are more difficult to understand or predict than the Alpha Legion. Branded traitor since the Heresy, their motives and actions have always been shrouded in mystery. Alpha Legionnaire Occam the Untrue leads his warband out of its hunting grounds in the Maelstrom on an epic quest for salvation, not just for himself, but for his whole Legion. With the forces of the Inquisition snapping at their heels, Occam and his followers must use all their guile and considerable martial prowess as they make their way to the cold heart of the galaxy, to a confrontation that no one, least of all Occam himself, could have foreseen. " http://www.blacklibrary.com/coming-soon/january/sons-of-the-hydra-ebook.html
  5. Good, idea. I think I got hung up on the weapon post simply inserting into the arm socket. If I can find the right size magnet, it may be work trimming those posts down and fixing a magnet directly into the socket. Unfortunately, the entire interior of the model is hollow past the socket holes, otherwise I would affix a magnet in there.
  6. Howdy, Has anyone devised a decent way of magnetizing the main guns on an Acastus Knight Porphyrion? I'm having the worst time trying to figure out a good way of doing it. I considered a metal washer on the gun spoke with a magnet on the body so it can rotate, but washers tend to run too wide one you find one with a hole larger enough to fit the gun spoke in. I just don;t want to be forced to pin and superglue the entire gun in a static position. Any thoughts or guides appreciated!
  7. 'Before we go, let me say this: I understand the conflict in your hearts, how one may beat for duty while the other bleeds for your Legion brothers who will be sacrificed. But this is civil war. It is a time of confusion, and realigned loyalty. We have many heads but we act as one – one Legion with a single will. We are a union of the alike and the like-minded. We will not tolerate treachery. We will not allow our compact to fracture. We will not suffer the short-sightedness of our brother Legions, nor the averted gaze of the wider Imperium. We are Alpha Legion and we take the long view.' -Omegon, twin-Primarch of the Alpha Legion
  8. Read Shroud of Night! Some very interesting perspective on the internal thinking of your average Alpha Legion grunt.
  9. But finding people who still use them. That is the problem.
  10. You know, I thought I had finally adjusted to the reality of 30K staying 7th and 40K going 8th, but then nostalgia set in. You know what? Fighting Orks, Eldar, Necrons, and Tyranids with my 30K force was a ton of fun. Legion vs Legion is great, but anyone else missing the Great Crusade themed matches of yesteryear?
  11. I feel your pain. I really wish BL was on Audible already...
  12. You are correct, mostly. Now that I got my book in front of me, what confused me is the Styrix, Atrapos, and Maegera have a 4+ vs shooting and a 5+ vs melee. Just funny that the Porphyrion, which is also a Mechanicum specific build, it a 5+ shooting only. Maybe its a balancing issue for the beast.
  13. Pardon me if I'm wrong, but doesn't regular knight also have 5+ inv? The other Chaos knights get a 4+ vs shooting and a 5+ vs melee if I remember correctly. Porphyrion gets a 5+ vs shooting and no save vs melee.
  14. I had not noticed the lower invulnerable save. The T9 is nice but (correct me if wrong) hardly makes up for that. My plan for very large games is to run this with an Atrapos and a Styrix to try and cover all bases.
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