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DukeLeto69 last won the day on December 7 2022

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  1. Just double checking…are these shorts the product of the last Black Library Open submissions window?
  2. ah but there is a reason why there is so much knowledge on that planet and why so much flotsam and jetsam has turned up there!!!!!
  3. There are HH connections into the Bequin books so I took it as him meaning he wrote Pandaemonium last year ready for release this year. He is checking the manuscript. I would say he is checking it to ensure no mistakes or contradictions now that tEatD is all out.
  4. Copying this over from the Rate what you read thread as really belongs here… Credit to @grailkeeper and @JustinDHill for the link… https://youtu.be/ZXAUVYCZJ6Q The first few minutes were great as a teaser. My take away… 1. He wrote Pandaemonium last year (he indicated it was not HH but connected which to me signals Pandaemonium even though he did not say that) and he is now checking the manuscript again as it comes out this year. Yay! 2. His new editor wanted him to work on something different next and not GG, Eisenhorn, as he can do those any time. The editor suggested something and he thought about it and said “yes if I can approach it like this” and he got the go ahead. Now I think this was in relation to two projects this year (not including Pandaemonium) so I am going to speculate (wishlist): a) WH Crime/WH Horror - because he talked about it focusing on ordinary people not gods and demigods etc. b) Votann because he referenced looking at a very different aspect of the huge 40k universe. I could be totally wrong of course!
  5. So if they showed up in a Gaunt’s Ghosts or Eisenhorn book you wouldn’t like it? Saying that the interview said to me that the two projects he is working on this year are NOT connected to either of his ongoing series. Which is good.
  6. The first few minutes were great as a teaser. My take away… 1. He wrote Pandaemonium last year (he indicated it was not HH but connected which to me signals Pandaemonium even though he did not say that) and he is now checking the manuscript again as it comes out this year. Yay! 2. His new editor wanted him to work on something different next and not GG, Eisenhorn, as he can do those any time. The editor suggested something and he thought about it and said “yes if I can approach it like this” and he got the go ahead. Now I think this was in relation to two projects this year (not including Pandaemonium) so I am going to speculate (wishlist): a) WH Crime/WH Horror - because he talked about it focusing on ordinary people not gods and demigods etc. b) Votann because he referenced looking at a very different aspect of the huge 40k universe. I could be totally wrong of course!
  7. Obviously don’t know what you said but I see criticism of authors a lot in here and some of it is blatant hate posting. I think people could intelligently talk about why an author or particular work by an author was not to their taste for…reasons. But to literally slate an author and get personal is not on.
  8. Agreed. I have often revisited favourite books and series from BL. But generally that has been with the knowledge/backdrop that the next in the series is “coming soon”. I have no interest in AoS. None! GW/BL did used to be far better at marketing BL releases. They knew the fanbase enjoyed a bit of speculation and discussion. I cannot help but think there’s been some personnel changes because whoever is the current Marketing Director sucks!
  9. Feels like such a dull time to be a Black Library fan. We are in April and there has been nothing to get excited over. The level of chat in this forum has seemingly fallen off a cliff. Never known it as bad as this in the almost two decades I have been avidly buying BL books. Dull dull dull. Or is it just me?
  10. I agree with comments above. Nothing to get excited about or discuss. It’s all rather dull in BL land. What I find really odd is that with the Amazon deal via Henry Cavil (sp?) it seemed that GW understood the power of stories for their IP. Novels and films are complementary media with crossover appeal to audiences. The wishful thinker in me hopes this is just a pause for breath, a BL reset post HH series. However, I am more concerned the toy soldier company are dropping the ball with the red headed stepchild publisher division in the corner they aren’t really sure how to properly exploit!
  11. Re NYT Best Seller List, you don’t need to actually sell THAT many copies to get on. It’s also a fudge with estimated volumes extrapolated from a small number of participating retailers. It’s basically a marketing exercise.
  12. It’s on my shelf waiting to be read but I have a backlog due to my SoT binge.
  13. If they discontinue Crime and we never get Bloodlines 2 or Flesh & Steel 2 or Grim Repast 2 I will be gutted.
  14. Would announcing: - Watchers of the Throne 3 - Black Legion 3 - Spears of the Emperor 2 - Pandaemonium - Interceptor City change that for you?
  15. So nobody asked about Pandaemonium? Interceptor City? More Gaunt’s Ghosts? Only more milking of the very tired sacred Heresy cow?
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