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Calyptra last won the day on July 12 2017

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About Calyptra

  • Birthday 05/20/1977

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    Dark Eldar

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  1. In the unlikely event that I manage to finish my Imperialis terrain before the heat death of the universe (or my own rather more imminent demise) I will absolutely post it here.
  2. I think "Camo Cats" is fun to say. Whichever one you go with, if you want to give them a Primarch it could be Roboute Ghillieman.
  3. When I say things like that in my project logs, it's usually because I'm bored with painting them and haven't been posting something else to break up the perceived monotony. I assure you that they're still a treat for me to look at. (It helps that I'm not looking at them every day for all that time you've spent working on them.)
  4. So... are you going to be ok? I understand this isn't really the forum for it and that it was your choice to be vague about things, but this seems important. Also, your toy soldiers are very nice. (Honestly, I consider your models to be among the best on the Internet. Nevertheless: surgery.)
  5. The old models are definitely smaller. Personally, I only really care if my army is to scale with itself. The size of my opponent's models, which may or may not be painted, or may be extensively converted in some weird way, are outside my control and not worth worrying about. I often find that Rogue Trader armies (or even just very old models that have since been redesigned) get a lot of reactions when I play them. It makes some people really happy to see them, or really curious because it's a whole army of models that are completely new to them. Obviously not everybody cares and my experience is pretty limited, but I generally find that my older models lead to more positive interactions at the game store. I think if you show up somewhere with a well-painted army of Rogue Trader models, you have a good chance of making somebody's day. (It would certainly make mine.)
  6. I got excited about people getting excited about Rogue Trader models and forgot to comment on Shadespyre's gorgeous army? Somehow I missed that this army had grown overwhelmingly huge. It's huge! I was silently judging you when you decided doing company and squad markings on each model was too much work. Now that I see how big the army is I take back some of the things I said with my inside voice.
  7. They're still fun to paint and play with! There's usually a lot of the old Rogue Trader stuff available on Ebay, often for prices lower than their modern day counterparts, so you haven't missed your chance.
  8. I have no idea what a Moritat is, but it's a nice paint job. I like his fancy codpiece.
  9. It's all wonderful work, but now I really want to see a picture of the cat.
  10. Your Deathwatch are lovely and they deserve eyes. I like that your pictures went from including keys (as in for locks) to including keys (as in the keyboard).
  11. This is fun stuff! I've been meaning to do something similar (though not on quite such a grand scale) but it's another project I just haven't gotten around to. Apart from the Tau casualties I built about a million years ago. I have to disagree with all the "too much time/money" comments from the beginning of this. Touches like these are a way of making a game better, as opposed to just bigger. GW used to even make and sell casualty models. I'm not sure how many different ones they produced, but they were making them as late as 3rd ed with the Praetorian/Mordian casualties.
  12. I find that after a few years rubber bands get brittle, shrivel up, and start to crack and fall apart. I didn't watch the video - is something done to keep that from happening somehow?
  13. Fair enough. And my experience doesn't necessarily equate to yours. I often find consistency to simply be a matter of practice. I think record keeping helps too. I try to retain notes on how I painted things so if I come back to an army months or years later, I can refer back to what paints I mixed, how many stages of highlighting, etc.
  14. I don't think it's possible to "finish" an army, at least for me. There's always more stuff to add, which is part of the fun. By thinking of my armies as inherently works in progress, I feel less like Sisyphus when I'm painting. (Somewhere along the line I went from hobby backlog to Miniatures Projects of Damocles.) Getting to the point where you can play reasonably sized games with fully painted models is something else entirely. The Doom Guy head looks good! At least in the example you've given, the inconsistency you're talking about seems to be a result of different techniques and experimentation. Are you frustrated with getting different results from different things, or are you not sticking to the same methodology within a given army?
  15. Reading through this, I was momentarily excited about Oldhammer in Cambridge before I realized you meant O. G. Cambridge and not Cambridge here in Massachusetts. Honestly, I don't understand why they didn't call ours New Cambridge, or NeoCambridge, or NeoMegaCambridge, or something. Anyway. Your conversions are really lovely, but don't quite make up for my disappointment in the total absence of leopard print on your noise marines.
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