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Grey Knight Terminator From AoBR Terminator conversion


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I've been asked for this several times, both here and on my blog so I decided to document the next one I had a crack at.


(I've also had to split this up into parts due to the pic limit.



We're going to assimilate this scrap AoBR terminator into a proud Grey Knight Terminator


First off, a List of What's needed.


The Bitz



Cereal box card (optional)

Plastic Rod


FW =][= Brass etch symbol

One complete AoBR terminator

One Thunder hammer arm

One storm shield arm

Any space marine hand

A suitable blade (I’m using Dark angels ones due to the unique shape)

A purity seal or scroll etc for “dressing”



And the tools used :



GS sculpting tools

Pin vice / Drill

Fine files/sandpaper





There are other tutorials out there which cover pretty much every aspect of this build, some I’ve used, some have been pointed out to me since posting the models.

The two(three) that most directly relate are Ron Saikowsji’s Pre-heresey terminators over at From the warp, and related to that iktovian’s template for PH- Pads.


And USABOB’s picture tutorial on plastic GK termies, which I hadn’t actually seen until someone directed me there, I’ve done almost exactly the same as him, but with less pinning and more GS, and I think a different magazine – I use the existing one, he uses a rhino mounted one.


I can only hope if BOB every sees this tut he wont think I’ve ripped him off.


Anyway, onward -


So here are the step-by-step stages of making this fellow


Part 1) The close shave


First thing is to prepare the AOBR termie, by shaving off all the unnecessary bits.


Head – we make a few select cuts here, shaving off some of the detail from the flat planes thus,



Then following the line of the eye here, we make a cut each side,





shaving down until we are happy with our new mr. pointyface




If you like you can drill some “breathing holes” in one or both sides at this point. I do this to about half the squad, and in different patterns / sides. I’m going to leave this guy vanilla though.


Chest – all detail removed to make a nice flat surface


The stuff in red has to go. I use a sharp blade and then finish with a file or abrasive paper



The result is this:



Legs – again, protruding details removed to make way for the plates later


Anything that "sticks out" has to go.






if you aren’t a fan of the leg plates leave these intact and use the legs as is. Personally I feel the bulk of the shoulders demands some bulking of the legs for balance.




Okay so there he is prepped and partially converted, next is to start adding bits back on.



Continued in part two

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Continues from Part one


2) The Build


The Head / collar.


For this we need a thin strip of thinish plasticard.




Now I’m terrible at measuring, I tend to go “by eye” its the same when I cook, paint, whatever, so it’s about this big, and it gets fenegled to fit with a few dry fittings and a bit of a trim, until we have this –






Which can be happily bent around a paintbrush to provide the curve




And then glued into place






The Nemesis force weapon


Here are the components for the NFW,



and the cuts required to get at the good stuff we need




The assembly




and the product.




simples :)



The storm bolter


The bolter is made from....



Broken down into -



and reassembled thus -






Positioning the arms


At this stage and before I affix them or do any GS I get the arms to fit correctly for the pose I want. The posing of AOBR figs is very limited, but since we will be adding our own shoulderpads, we can do what we like to their usual mount, the shoulder nub.




Its this nub that dictates the angle the arm sits at, so whatever we shave flat here, will affect the final pose, experiment with trimming and test fitting until you have a pose you like. Any big “underarm gaps” can be filled and hidden later



Oh, yeah,



It's at this point you should glue the Brass etch in place,


Giving us this assembled Grey Knight to be, awaiting his first Greenstuffing.




Continues in part three.

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Continues from part two



3) The Features


The greenstuff – round 1.


The first part of the GS is to prepare each piece, -


The Bolter shroud is probably the first part you should do, it’s easy and it needs to be cured before you can start attaching arms if you want to avoid fingerprints.


You're aiming for roughly this shape, - the feeling that the whole bolter is some kind of armour peice or "cuff"






Next is the body, first step is to pack the GS in there where you need it,




then smooth and shape it to your heart's desire




Once cured, clean off the Vaseline with a q-tip and we're ready to move on.







The plasticard


Here is where I cut and fit the custom pieces, I have to give props here to Ron Saikowski over at From the Warp, without his tutorial and emails I wouldn’t have got these stages down.


Anyway I draw out the following, and mount to plasticard.




I cut out the scrap insides




I then mount this onto cardstock. (the previous two models I used cereal box card, for this one I tried using all plasticard, having found some very thin sheet styrene, allowing me to make the leg plates a little thinner and the feet more visible, as people seem to have expressed a preference for)


And cut the outline




A little curving round the brush and we are ready to go




Glue in place




You can see some issues with the new thin styrene in that is has a tendancy to bend in one place rather than smoothly, not a problem though, a rub over with a sculpting tool smoothes away most of this.



Next we put in some structure for a Tabard – a simple peice of styrene for mount, thicker card this time.




Affix arms


You can pin these if you wish, but I haven’t needed too yet, there's lots of plastic to plastic surface area which means good glue adhesion with CA.






Once the arms are on we can Affix the shoulders.















Greenstuff round 2 - tabard and edging


First up, repair any cracks or visible seams in the plasticard parts




After that we are going to apply GS to the tabard plastic to build up folds and create a dynamic shape.


Slap it on first.




Then refine the shape





Then smooth and improve




Don’t forget the back




Continues in part 4

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Continues from part 3


Detail and done.

Last step is to glue on a few purity seals and bolt heads


The seals just get glued in place, along with a few skulls to "hold the tabard on"




Then the bolts


Theres a trick to getting little things stuck on,


use a Cocktail stick as a glue applicator, dip and drop.







then use a Needle to deposit and position the item




There we are.


One GK Termie, from an AoBR box.







And last but not least, Here is the whole thing primed and ready for paint.






(of course hes just "resing" in place as I'll paint them seperately.)



All I can say is I hope that tutorial had value for you and if it did, please let me know.


If there's anything i've taken for granted you know, or if you've any questions in general, let me know what I missed or what you'd like to know and I'll do my best to answer.


I'll put up a tut for the Base in the basing section here at BnC, please also note my blog has this tut in a single chunk and a good few others.


Link to basing tut

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I made a simlar mistake where I made multiple topics thinking it was the only way to fit in all the pictures, but you could roll them all into one by replying to your frist post making it 1 topic. The converting is very good I like it, how do you do the book on the shoulder pad? theres books on the dark angels frame so you use those?
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I'm an idiot.


when it shut me down from uploading i just made multiple posts, why didnt i reply to myself?


put it down to being tired as this thing took a huge amount of putting together from the old copy/paste aspect.




if a mod wants to tidy this up, feel free, I could consolidate but i cant delete the mess i dont think.


anyway, thanks for the positive comments guys, and those who have pmed me, it's appreciated ;)

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Really useful tutorial and very tempting to try myself, however I'm definitely stealing the shoulderpad technique, I've seen similar tutorials before but I like the simplicity and effective results of this one..
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How you went about creating your tutorial was probably the best way Karitas as you would have had to deal with the board's flood control filter.


I don't see any need to do any 'clean up' the thread though since it's become a fully functional thread after the merger :)

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Much appreciated Angelus, I'll try to be a bit neater about it next time though, if i ever post another tut. :wallbash:


and to those comments above - I'm glad they might be of use to some of you. i accept that not everyone likes my big legs ;) personally i thik without them the models look too top heavy, but I'm also able to see why people dont like them.


If I hadnt started back in RT I think i would have a very different idea about Tactical Dreadnought Armour but as i did i cant help thinking of the big lumbering things of 1e space hulk and that middle word there, Dreadnought.


I also totally understand the PH comments, Mainly because i stole the idea for the shoulders, after trying a few different types, from Ron saikowski at the from the warp blogger group and his Pre-Heresy tut. :)


I never really liked the shape of the metal GKT's - i think the are a little too "pointy" in the upper torso and the huge imposing shapes of PH armour just spoke "knight" to me much more. i know fluffwise the GK stuff veers wildly between them having the newest and best in one panel and having ancient and revered relics in the other, but in the end i figure if i'm going out to fight a demon, i'd like a lot of metal around me :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for posting up this tutorial. The helmet-cutting tip actually made me go and try that on a model to make me a new Terminator Captain. And when I get the materials I'll probably try the Force Weapon too.



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