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The Inner Circle presents:





Welcome to Loyalty & Treachery IV!

In this time of betrayal, when brother turns against brother and no one can be trusted… A time where heroes become villains and villains pass for heroes! This is the time to throw away the façade of the past and show your true colours!

In a Galaxy in Flames, are you a Loyalist or a Traitor?


Welcome to the fourth incarnation of “Loyalty and Treachery”!

What started-off as an impulsive move out of the fascination with the new setting, now it appears to have a steady and increasing following! Funnily enough, due to unforeseen events, the L&T may have become a dee facto bi-annual event - against my wishes that were for an annual one! Hopefully this will change and we'll see the return of the L&T again next year and get back on our annual track...

The veterans of the L&T are well-aware of the workings of the event and many sport the badges of the Consul of their preference in their signature already! But will they be able to rise to the challenge again this year? Only time will tell!

For those who have not participated before, let me tell you a few things about the L&T and its aims:

I find it often to be the case that many projects that start with great enthusiasm tend to run out of steam and eventually lose momentum. The result is a unit here and a unit there and, despite the expense and the effort invested in said units, they cannot be put together to form a proper army on the table-top. So, they are shelved and doomed to gather dust or end up on ebay in an attempt to recover at least some of their cash value.

However, money concerns aside, it only takes a reasonably small effort to build a modest sized army, one you can still play a proper (if small) game with. The trick is to keep some discipline and not to let the project linger for too long, because new distractions will inevitably divert you to seek new endeavours.

“Loyalty and Treachery” is a motivational event aiming to help participants to build up of their Horus Heresy armies in a reasonably short time frame. I would like to stress here that this is NOT a competition. It’s an event where everyone who sees it through will end up with a significant number of units ready for the table top or even a whole playable army in its own right! So, those starting new projects and those building on existing ones are equally welcome and hopefully equally motivated!

Those who achieve their aim will receive the honorary title of “Consul of the Legion” and a badge to commemorate his/her efforts – see “Becoming a Consul” below.


“Loyalty and Treachery” is setting a target to build at least three (3) legal Horus Heresy units in the next 3 months.

This means on average 1 unit each month. However, this is not a strict limit but rather a good way to measure your progress. Obviously, the addition of a super-heavy for example may take more than a month to complete but this may be counterbalanced by painting two less demanding units in the next month. Also, it is possible to work on more than one unit simultaneously. There is no cap on the maximum amount of units that one can build – just manage your time wisely.


The “Grand Design” is the essence of the event. Although, at face value, this is about painting minis (and if you do just that, you’ll be eligible for the Titles and the badges as described below) the event tries to tie together the gaming aspect of the hobby and even the background!

The basic target of Loyalty & Treachery is to motivate people to build playable Horus Heresy armies. As such, participants are invited to present a legal army list highlighting the units they intend to paint during the event. You don’t have to paint all the units in your army list; indeed, you may have already started on your army and just want this extra push to finish it. But by displaying your entire army on paper will show how everything fits into the big picture and will help you to choose your units based on table top needs – not to optimize them for the event purposes.

The army list will also help participants stay on track, especially as new toys coming from FW (or other sources) may distract them. Having said that though, new toys may present a better fit to your army or a better painting challenge for you and you might want to alter your list during the event. That’s fine but the important thing is not to lose focus.

The size of the list is immaterial – points DO NOT MATTER in this event. You can work towards a kill-team sized force of just three units in total or an Apocalypse size army that will take Terra by storm! This is left on the appetite of the individual participant. However, participants should not feel restricted to a single Legion. The pledged units can be from different Legions/factions (could be part of an allied detachment, a shattered Legions’ army or it could be that you are working on two forces in parallel) but it’d be advisable to remain focused on playable force(s).

Of course, it’s also possible to just do whatever sparks your interest, building units here and there and not bother with a playable army at all - it’ll be a missed opportunity but lovingly painted miniatures will never be turned away on my watch!

As a last point, participants are invited to add further colour to their armies by providing a small background to their force or force commander. We’re not looking for extensive “Index Astartes” style articles here (after all this is still the Forge – not the Lore section) but something to give context to your project and let us share your vision. That way all the elements of the hobby (modelling/painting, gaming & background) will be tied together!


There are only three simple rules in "Loyalty and Treachery":

  1. PLEDGED UNITS: You must pledge to paint at least three units in the next three months. Each unit pledged must be a “legal” entry from an official list from a Forgeworld Horus Heresy series publication (the most updated one). This means that each unit must observe all the parameters of the corresponding entry of the official list such as minimum numbers, correct equipment, weapons etc. WYSIWYG should be observed to the best of one’s ability.
  2. PAINT QUALITY: It is expected that models will be easily recognizable as belonging to each participant’s Legion or other faction of choice; but this is not a Golden Daemon kind of contest. In fact it’s not even a contest, so all painting skill levels are very welcome. Having said that, participants are expected to paint to the best of their ability – besides the miniatures are far too expensive to consciously make a sub-par job on them! So make this effort a showcase of your abilities, no matter your experience or skill level!
  3. EVIDENCE OF PROGRESS: Participants must provide a starting picture (models can be fully build and primed - any colour) and a finished picture of each unit they have pledged. They are also invited to provide WIP picture of their project regularly – just to keep things moving at a reasonable pace. At the end of the three months, you’ll be asked to provide a “group shot” i.e. a picture of your entire force that you painted during the event so that we can make a showcase with the outcome of the second L&T.


The event will start on January 15th, 2019 and will end after a 3-month period on April 15th, 2019. Participants can join at any point during this period but the earlier one commits the more time to complete his/her project.



As an incentive, “Loyalty and Treachery” uses a system of “Honorary Titles”. The title can be carried in the participants’ signature in the form of a small banner. Note that there is no implied hierarchy between them and each has its own merit! Now the best part is that there is no penalty for failing! If a participant does not make it, he/she will not be awarded a title, and that’s all there is to it…

So what are the titles, and what does one has to do to obtain them? Well, here goes:

Legion Centurion: This title is awarded to anyone who makes the target i.e. to build at least 3 legal Horus Heresy units in 3 months. It shows a serious commitment to the Heresy setting and participants should be rightly proud to wear it!

Legion Champion: This is a title to reward output. Anyone who makes double the target i.e. paints at least 6 legal Horus Heresy units in 3 months will be awarded this title. The sheer size of minis painted certainly warrants this distinction!

Legion Chaplain: This is a title to reward zeal. Anyone who makes the target i.e. paints at least 3 legal Horus Heresy units in 2 months from the beginning of the event (i.e. until March 15th) will be awarded this title. This unrelenting single mindedness surely deserves the Crozius!

Legion Forgelord: This title is for the treadheads. Anyone who makes the target i.e. paints at least 3 legal Horus Heresy units in 3 months and includes at least 12 HP in their force will be awarded this title. Bring the tanks forth!

Legion Delegatus: This title is for the chosen of the Primarch! Anyone who makes the target i.e. paints at least 3 legal Horus Heresy units in 3 months and includes at least one Primarch will be awarded this title. For the Primarch and the Legion!

Magos: This is a title to reward the followers of the Omnissiah. Anyone who makes the target i.e. paints at least 3 legal Horus Heresy units in 3 months and includes at least 3 units from any Mechanicum lists will be awarded this title. For the Glory of Mars!!!

Legate Commander: This is a title to reward those among us that will take on the Solar Auxila cause. Anyone who makes the target i.e. paints at least 3 legal Horus Heresy units in 3 months and includes at least 3 units from the Solar Auxilia and/or the Imperialis Militia & Cults Army lists will be awarded this title. Go mortals!

Seneschal: This is a title for the Knights’ fanatics. Anyone who makes the target i.e. paints at least 3 legal Horus Heresy units in 3 months and includes at least 1 Knight will be awarded this title. Knights are large models and demand all the attention one can give them so building even one in the period of three months is a great challenge. Remember though, there should be at least two more legal Horus Heresy units in the pledge, and all must be competed to be eligible for the title.

Princeps: This is a title is for the for the Titan Legions! It is also the only type of entry that does not require building 3 legal units. If you paint a single Titan until the end of the event, you’ll be eligible for this most prestigious of awards and rightly so! Any class of 28mm scale Titan qualifies!

It is possible that a participant may accomplish more than one of the above tasks and therefore to be eligible for more than one title. In that case he/she can choose which title to carry in their signature.


Participants are invited to pledge for either the Loyalist or the Traitor side once they declare participation in the event. You can declare your allegiance irrespective of the Legion/Faction you are painting as there were loyalist and Traitor elements within all factions. So, all you need to do is decide which side you want to support and then try to become a Centurion!

The side with the most Centurions by the end of the event will be winning a moral victory, called: the “Moral High Ground”! Note that only the Centurion title will count, even if a participant is eligible for other Consul titles as well. The only exception to the above is the title of Princeps. Princeps’ will count as Centurions for the purposes of the “Moral High Ground”.


All who participate (regardless of success) may wear the following badge in their signature if they so desire:


Well this is a special year: the B&C 20th Anniversary! For 20 years this internet site has been a bulwark of constructive discussion and promotion of the 40k Hobby - moving through various areas of focus as the Hobby itself transformed and progressed - from an exclusively Loyal Space Marine place to an all-encompassing 40k site, covering everything 40k and 30k related, the main games and their satellite boxed games too... More importantly it has been our hobby home in the ether for two decades!! So this L&T is dedicated to the 20 years of the B&C presence, the hard work of its staff and the excellent community we've been building. The legacy is already there - here's to next 20 years!

The L&T started off as an impulsive attempt to bring the 30k community, from a niche within the B&C, to a main element that counterbalances 40k itself! Unfortunately, for unforeseen reasons, the L&T has become a de facto bi-annual event.. But the intention is to have it as an annual event - it is nothing less than what the Horus Heresy deserves! Why?

Because the Horus Heresy setting is just brilliant! The models are amazing, the diversity huge and the backstory hugely inspirational. As the Black Library series enter their final phase, things become hugely investing! And on top of that, another Black Book: Malevolence seems to be in the making!

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Furthermore, the setting is further bolstered by a new "boxed game" the Adeptus Titanicus - a game close to my heart and one that will be running an event for IN PARALLEL with the L&T - so the first three months of the year will be all about the Heresy!

If you want to participate in that event too, here's the link:


This year we run again the “Moral High Ground” feature. Last time in 2017, the Loyalist won by a large margin - something that was a bit of a surprise to me! Let's see what's going to happen this year...

As usual, feel free to ask any questions regarding the event, publicly or through PMs – I’m notoriously fast in my replies! But remember: B&C & Forge rules must always, ALWAYS be followed. So be aware of that… *polishes his melta*


So, this is it! Now, who’s brave enough to take on the battlefields of the 31st millennium?

Captain Semper
Member of the Inner Circle
Master of Recruits

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List of participants (alphabetically)
Astartes Consul
1. Legion Delegatus COMPLETE
2. Legion Veteran Tactical Squad
3. Deimos Pattern Rhino
4. Legion Predator Battle Tank
Brother Pheidias
1. Tartaros Terminators (x9)
2. Praetor on foot COMPLETE
3. Command Squad
4. Predator tank 
5. Predator tank 
6. Predator tank 
Chaplain Dosjetka
1. Legion Consul
2. Tactical Squad
3. Legion Contemptor
1. Legion Consul (Master of Signal) COMPLETE
2. Limited Edition Imperial Space Marine (hopefully converted as a Vigilator) COMPLETE
3. Veteran Squad COMPLETE
4. Assault Squad COMPLETE
9. Deimos pattern Scorpius Whirlwind COMPLETE
10. Deimos pattern Scorpius Whirlwind COMPLETE
Fritz Fantom
1. Praetor
2. Contemptor Dreadnought
3. Veteran Squad
4. Veteran Squad


1. Legion Champion
2. Legion Terminator Squad
3. Legion Terminator Squad
4. Legion Heavy support Squad with Heavy Flamers
5. Warhound Titan with Mega Bolter and Turbo Laser
6. Javelin Attack Speeders (x3)
7. Javelin Attack Speeders (x3)
8. Javelin Attack Speeders (x3)
9. Fire Raptor Gunship
10. Fire Raptor Gunship
11. Fire Raptor Gunship 
Jarl Kjaran Coldheart
1. Primarch A
2. Primarch B
3. Praetor
4. Command Squads 1
5. Command Squads 2
6. Leviathan
1. Iron Father
2. Tactical Squad
3. Medusan Immortals 
1. Primarch Corvus Corax COMPLETE
2. Cpt. Alexis Polux COMPLETE
3. First Legion Veteran Tactical Squad COMPLETE
1. Praetor
2. Vigilator
3. Imperial Navigator
Marcus Arias
1. Leviathan Dreadnought with 4 weapons options
2. Support Squad
3. Contemptor Dreadnaught
1. Veteran Tactical Squad
2. Legion Praetor COMPLETE
3. Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
1. Warhound Titan with turbolaser and plasma blastgun 
1. Leman Russ Battle Tank w/ Lascannon COMPLETE
2. Leman Russ Battle Tank w/ Lascannon COMPLETE
3. Leman Russ Executioner w/ Lascannon COMPLETE
4. Carnodon COMPLETE
Richmarine CENTURION
1. Sicaran Arcus tank with heavy bolter sponsons COMPLETE
2. Demios Rhino with multimelta COMPLETE
3. MKII Assualt Squad (x10) with 2 power swords, sergeant with power axe and combat shield COMPLETE
1. Breacher squad (x10)
2. Forge lord COMPLETE
3. Command squad (x5) COMPLETE
1. Whirlwind Scorpius COMPLETE
2. Spartan Assault tank COMPLETE
3. Cyclops Demolition mini-tanks (x2) COMPLETE
4. Carnodon COMPLETE
5. Leman Russ Incinerator COMPLETE
6. Consul Praevian COMPLETE
1. Deimos pattern Rhino
2. Deimos pattern Rhino
3. Praevian consul
1. Breacher Squad (1 Grav Gun, 3 Power Swords, 6 Bolters) COMPLETE
2. Legion Apothecary COMPLETE
3. Destroyer Squad w/ jump packs COMPLETE
4. Invictarius Suzerain Squad COMPLETE
5. Solar Aux Rapier Quad Mortar COMPLETE
6. Jump Pack Apothecary COMPLETE
7. Leman Russ (x3) COMPLETE

8. Caleb Decima COMPLETE
9. Magos Prime COMPLETE
10. Magos Prime COMPLETE
12. Warbringer Titan COMPLETE

13. Imperial Knight Acheron COMPLETE

14. Corax COMPLETE
1. Ordo Reductor Magos COMPLETE
2. Macrocarid Explorator COMPLETE
3. Ordo Reductor Medusa Tank Battery COMPLETE
1. Praetor 
2. Varagyr Terminators 
3. Sicaran Battle Tank 
1. Terminator squad
2. Primus Medicae
3. Breacher squad
4. Breacher squad
5. Breacher squad
Captain Semper
1. Tartraros Terminators (x5)
2. Chaplain
3. Contemptor Dreadnought (the plastic one)
1. Malagra Magos COMPLETE
2. Thallax (x3) COMPLETE
3. Castellax (x2) COMPLETE
1. Castellax-Achea Battle-automata COMPLETE
2. MkIV Veteran squad
3. MkIII Support squad
Kor Dalron
1. Chaplain
2. Consul
3. Cataphractii Terminators with power axes (x5)
4. Legionnaires (x10) MK III 
5. Legionnaires (x10) MK IV
6. Legion Deimos Pattern Whirlwind Scorpius 
1. Centurion
2. Veteran Tactical Squad
3. Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad
Lord Commander Eidolon CENTURION
1. Land Raider mk2b COMPLETE
2. Legion Command Squad COMPLETE


1. Legion Praetor COMPLETE
2. Legion Centurion COMPLETE
3. Legion Tactical Squad COMPLETE
Iron Warriors:
1. Forge-Lord
2. Cataphractii Terminator Squad (x5)
3. Recon Squad (x5)
4. Vindicator Laser Destroyer
5. Vindicator Laser Destroyer
6. Spartan Assault Tank
World Eaters:
7. Chaplain
8. Assault Squad (x20)
Death Guard:
9 .Deathshroud Cataphractii Terminator Bodyguard (x3)
10. Magos
11. Adsecularis Covenant
Marius Perdo
1. Praetor (Warsmith),
2. Consul (Forge Lord)
3. Tactical Squad
Slave to Darkness
1. Legion Praetor
2. Legion Champion,
3. Primus Medicae,
4. Legion Command squad
5. Veteran squad
6. Destroyer squad
1. Assault Marines (x15) COMPLETE
2. Apothecary
3. Legion Centurion Chaplain
4. Attack Bikes with Multi Meltas (x4)
1. Tactical Squad COMPLETE
2. Alpharius COMPLETE
3. Lernaean Terminator squad COMPLETE
4. tbc Praetor COMPLETE
1. 1 Techmarine COMPLETE
2. Legion Heavy Support Squad (x5) armed with Volkite Culverins COMPLETE
3. Headhunter Kill Team with Heavy Bolter COMPLETE
1.  Praetor COMPLETE
2. Centurion (Champion) COMPLETE
3. Legionnaire squad COMPLETE
4. Legionnaire squad COMPLETE
5. Legionnaire squad COMPLETE
6. Support squad (melta guns) COMPLETE
7. Heavy support squad
8. Outrider squad COMPLETE
9. Reaver squad COMPLETE
10. Cataphractii squad COMPLETE
11. Cerberus heavy anti-tank gun COMPLETE
12. "Specialist" (Report from Lord Maloghurst indicate identity of The Specialist may be 'Alpharius') COMPLETE
13. Strike officer (Code name: Harrowmaster) COMPLETE
14. Centurion COMPLETE
15. Centurion COMPLETE
16. Learnean Cataphractii squad COMPLETE
17. Veteran Legionnaire squad COMPLETE
18. Veteran Legionnaire squad COMPLETE
19. Contemptor Dreadnought COMPLETE

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I, Chaplain Dosjetka, vow to complete a Legion Consul, a Legion Tactical Squad, and a Legion Contemptor in honour of both the VIIth Legion and the Bolter and Chainsword by 15th April 2019. Failure is not an option.
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I have never completed my vow for any forum event, but real life be damned, I will try my hardest to make this the first! I vow to complete a XVIIIth legion Praetor and Vigilator in addition to an Imperial Navigator. Vulkan Lives!





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Oh man, I'm totally in on this... I just gotta think carefully on what configuration I want to actually do for 2 Legion army projects I'm juggling. It can make the difference between a few pledged units. I'll step back in later in the next day or so when I start to actually hash out my 'list', but there shall be a pledge and it shall include at least a primarch and 5 other units. 


On what is very likely a related note: I gotta figure out why I like my Reaver squads without jump packs even when I know jump packs make them so much more useful... hmm.  

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I seriously can't wait as I'll be working on a neeeeeew legion project (I've got ~24ish units on my hands that I need to split up and allocate between 4 legions, yes post Christmas/pre-birthday Forgeworld and some local painting favors are in).   

As a bit of an addendum, should we get a little 'list' force, theme building thread going on o'r in the Heresy List section? Might be cool to see what people think of what we're planning.  I know it would probably help people like me who suck at making decisions. 

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I, Trokair, Vow, by the Grace of the Omnissiah, to complete a Ordo Reductor Magos, a Macrocarid Explorator, and a Ordo Reductor Artillery (Medusa) Tank Battery by 0287019.M03* for the Loyalist effort for The Moral High Ground in Loyalty & Treachery IV.

*15 April 2019 (if I did that right !)

In last year’s ETL I completed a large part of my Taghmata. There are a few unbilt units left, and a few part built units. So for this event I am going to focus on finishing another chunk of the army.

Starting picture of the part built Macrocarid Explorator, I better finish building it soon.


Starting shot of the Medusas.


A starting picture of the Magos will follow once I have succeeded in working out the conversion, or had to fall back to the unused Datasmith/Techpriest I have available to take on the role of Magos.

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I seriously can't wait as I'll be working on a neeeeeew legion project (I've got ~24ish units on my hands that I need to split up and allocate between 4 legions, yes post Christmas/pre-birthday Forgeworld and some local painting favors are in).

So what's keeping you? :tongue.:

As a bit of an addendum, should we get a little 'list' force, theme building thread going on o'r in the Heresy List section? Might be cool to see what people think of what we're planning. I know it would probably help people like me who suck at making decisions.

As regards the list, it's really an L&T feature to help people immerse in the game and stay on focus. As such a simple mention of your intended list here will suffice - and even that is not mandatory... Up to you really. Now if you want to embark on serious list-building discussion then I guess the Heresy lists section or the Age of Darkness forum would be more appropriate. Mind you, light discussion on lists will be tolerated here, after all this is supposed to be a celebration of the setting! :smile.:

I, Trokair, Vow, by the Grace of the Omnissiah, to complete a Ordo Reductor Magos, a Macrocarid Explorator, and a Ordo Reductor Artillery (Medusa) Tank Battery by 0287019.M03* for the Loyalist effort for The Moral High Ground in Loyalty & Treachery IV.

*15 April 2019 (if I did that right !)

In last year’s ETL I completed a large part of my Taghmata. There are a few unbilt units left, and a few part built units. So for this event I am going to focus on finishing another chunk of the army.

Starting picture of the part built Macrocarid Explorator, I better finish building it soon.

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Starting shot of the Medusas.


A starting picture of the Magos will follow once I have succeeded in working out the conversion, or had to fall back to the unused Datasmith/Techpriest I have available to take on the role of Magos.

That's the spirit! Heresy is truly Heresy unless you use Heretical conversions of that kind! Good luck mate! :)

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Oh I'm definitely in on this, right as I'm starting up my New Year's Resolution to paint more!


Except, since 30k is dead in my area, is it okay if it's Heresy-themed 40k? Like all models are Heresy, but the intended list is 40k?

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That's definitely how I started out in the 30K scene, Larkyn.  Chaos has some good options thanks to havoc squads and the 'cult' style squads which can closely adhere to the proper 30K options (I regularly use my 20 breachers with 2 melta guns as 20 plague marines).  So long as it adheres to the 30K army list composition it's two birds with one stone, eh? 


Vyke's Primus Checklist:



Aaaalright you lovely lot, I'd love your opinion on a few things for composition of the first list.  It's gonna be 30K (oh hey big surprise here, right?) But it'll be Great Crusade era, mased around the Luna Wolves 65th company in its earlier years during the Callas Compliance of 978 M30.  It's a disaster, a bad orbital drop of 2 line companies of the 33rd battalion, the 65th and 66th while the 17th Independent Reaver Company got to sit most of it out as a second line reinforcement. The long and the short of it is they got mauled, the 66th got folded into the 65th, and the company got put into reserve for a few decades while they were allocated more resources. 


This is essentially 'end game' Callas Compliance: a shot up late crusade line company struggling to hang on and establish landing zones while others relieve their position*.  It'll likely be the basis for some Zone Mortalis, Allied contingents, Chosen duty veterans, or form the basis for an Orbital Assault rite. 


65th Company, Callas Compliance:


1 Centurion: 

-​Legion Deligatus, 

(Using Loken, no question as it's too good an opportunity to pass up.).


1 Centurion:

-Legion Champion: Artificer armour, lightning claw, thunder hammer. 

(I had a test mini built, this just so happens to be what he has on him.)



5 Cataphractii Terminators

-Sergeant (Chainfist, Grenade harness), Power Fists, Combi-bolter, Reaper autocannon. 

(Snagged some Shapeways pauldrons for Cataphractii and the Luna Wolves used a fair number of terminator suits.  It felt suitable.) 



10 Legion Tactical Squad

-Sergeant (melta bombs, Power Fist)  Extra close combat weapons, nuncio-vox, Vexila.

(This and the others are the same: bulk squads in glorious Luna Wolf white.  Nuncio Vox is there primarily if I felt like I wanted the Orbital Drop so I could keep everything on target.)


10 Legion Tactical Squad

-Sergeant (melta bombs, Power Sword)  Extra close combat weapons, nuncio-vox, Vexila.


10 Legion Tactical Squad

-Sergeant (melta bombs, Power Sword)  Extra close combat weapons, nuncio-vox, Vexila.


5 Legion Tactical Support Squad

-Sergeant (combi-melta), Melta guns.

(Combi-melta is just there for 40K havoc sergeants, and to make the character stand out a bit) 


Fast Attack: 

10 Reavers 

-Sergeant (Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Hand Flamer, Melta Bomb), 2 power axes, 7 Chain axes

(The Hand Flamer is there because in 20 years and a half dozen armies that can take them, I've never used one.  Ever.  The Reavers are my big problem right now.  Part of me wants to have them without jump packs as part of an orbital assault, so they can act as a typical 'Assault Squad' along with Zone Mortalis missions making sense in close quarters.  But Jump packs are better.  It'll also give me the option to flip another Sons of Horus jump pack assault squad for another part of the challenge.  Whatcha think?  jump pack Reavers or foot Reavers?)



-Probably gonna order in a contemptor as it feels right in most cases.

-Trying to keep heavy armour to a minimum but Predators and Rhinos are still on the table, as are air-assets that might be from outside the company but providing CAS. 


*Okay like, real quick and weird headcanon.  I always figured right up until The change from Luna Wolves to Sons of Horus, companies like Loken's tenth (which we know to have 14 squads, and at least one of the primary tactical squads being 10 troopers strong, Thank you Horus Rising) still primarily followed the Principa Belicosa, which means that a Speartip was more or less the local parlance for a Battalion rather than a company as others have seemed to suggest.  It also makes sense why no less than 3 company captains were placed in a Speartip that had around 300 troopers in it.  Thus, I always figured that paper companies were smaller, in the 100-150 strong range. So a mauled company in the 45-60 range feels alright.


Vykes Secondus Checklist: 


Alright, it's my excuse to paint up Alpha legion special troopers because they look fantaaaaastic.  There's not much else to this and not much beyond I'm curious on what people would think would compliment the bare bones basic in ZM or as an allied force.





Praetor in power armour 

(Both this and the next are the legion specific ones)


Praetor in Terminator Armour



(Lets go all the way.)



5 Lernaen Terminators



(cyclone launcher, power claw, and kheres just feels like the all-rounder.) 



10 Tactical Legionnaires

(These can almost certainly be pride of the legion style veterans or a Deligatus to make them ZM workable too.  Not sure on loadouts when I don't have a specific role in mind so I'm all in for ideas). 


10 Tactical Legionnaires 


There's still a lot of other units I could work in to either: Everything from a spare Leviathan, 3 outriders, 10 spare troopers/assault troopers depending on how the Reavers go, sets of heavy weapons (5 las cannons, 5 plasma cannons, tons of heavy bolters) a Rhino, 2 Predators, even a Cerberus that I have on my way here that was gonna go to the later 65th, and even 20 sets of mk. IV that was earmarked for List 2 or the later Heresy.  65th.  Between this, filling out my Blood angels, and the later 65th, it's a matter of really shuffling what would be cool into the right categories.  

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Weeeeeell, I did just spend last week building, oh, about 50ish Emperor's Children marines in various configurations designed for 30k/40k cross compatibility (dead in my area too, but everything I do with the army 40k wise is always intended to go back to the Heresy as soon as it makes a recovery....some day). 

I'll do some planning/assessment and see what I can do for fun event shenanigans. 

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I, Jarl Kjaran Coldheart, vow to complete 2 Primarchs, 1 Praetor, 2 Command Squads and a Leviathan in honour of both the VIIth Legion and the Bolter and Chainsword by 15th April 2019.


From the shadows and ashes of Istvaan the loyal sons of the Emperor arise!

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Great to see some momentum building up!


Oh I'm definitely in on this, right as I'm starting up my New Year's Resolution to paint more!


Except, since 30k is dead in my area, is it okay if it's Heresy-themed 40k? Like all models are Heresy, but the intended list is 40k?

This is a HH event. As long as your units can pass off as HH units (models, squad consistency, load-outs) then it’s fine! :)

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Oh yeah, I'm in! Wish I'd seen this a bit earlier today as I just vowed two tanks for the One More Day event in the Imperial Fists subforum. Tomorrow I'll scrounge up some units for this event.


Hmmmmm... or perhaps I'll drop by Forge World. <rubs hands together> Yeah, I'm off to Forge World.

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I, Eidolon, vow to complete the following units for the glory of the Third Legion and to show loyalty to the Emperor!


1 x Land Raider mk2b




1 x Legion Command Squad




Hopefully these are allowable - These were preshaded and based but I add further highlight before glazing and re shading, so these are in the early stages. I didn't know the event was due otherwise I'd have waited. I also batched a few other marines as I tend to do it all in a job lot. Might include a master of signal in a later pledge...



1 x Rhino


Photo to come.

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Semper Fortis: I would have no issues with you vowing the same units for both events and I doubt the good Captain would have any either. :tu:

Absolutely! Synergies between events is a long- standing tradition. Assuming of course that the minis will be unpainted at the time of entry...

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I, Marcus Arias, vow to complete a Leviathan Dreadnought with 4 weapons options, 1x 5 man Volkite Tactical Support Squad and a 5 man Autocannon Heavy Support Squad for Ultramar and the XIIIth in honour of B&C's 20th Anniversary by the 15th April 2019.


Edit: Had to dig around my 'unpainted' pile and found two squads for painting!





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In the name of Vengeance for their foul deeds on our blessed motherworld of Terra the traitors of the 3rd shall be run to ground, i Sarabando pledge the additional reinforcements of a 10 man breacher team, a forge lord and a 5 man command squad to the 27th company of the 5th legionnes Astartes



Pre work pic tried to make it smaller so i dont blow up the thread like normal


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